From being a Zero to Wearing a ZERO



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I dont know how to add them on here

    Ok, you’re new profile pic shows your weight loss it which is good. If you ever do want to add them you just need to copy the IMG link after you upload it to photobucket but be sure to change IMG and /IMG to small letters for it to appear here.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    that's fantastic!!

    out of curiosity, how much did you struggle in the beginning? like were you able to do the full videos?
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
  • courtrptr13
    Congrats on your success! You look fabulous!
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Wow that is awesome!!! You are such a inspiration!
  • fly2fisher
    That's wonderful! Thanks for inspiring!
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    Another P90x success story I love it!! It feels great doesn't it I know it does for me :) congrats
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats!!! you look amazing!! Thanks for the inspiration, i need it this week! i started p90x this week, am also wondering if you could do everything they did at first, i can make it through the videos just cant do some things, as time goes on will we be able too?? i sometimes feel i need to step back to a "starter" program. also what if you dont have time for the full yoga?
  • leahmcdonald
    Melanilockard-It takes time to do the full videos or to get to the people on the video's pace. Take it easy and push yourself a lil each time and it gets easier. DOnt give up take it one day at a time and modify. ITs hard but donable. ACtually I dont like the word hard, its challenging. I did pushups on my knees for the first round and then round two tried them on my toes and could do them. And I still can't do but like one or 2 unassisted pullups. I still use a chair. I never did yoga because I never had the 1 1/2 hours to do so with 2 kids running around, and there wasnt enough peace in my house to get that calm. I always sub it for cardio x or core. I had lots of struggles but I found it as anotehr hurdle to overcome that I wont let get in my way. I had alot of people around me that werent supportive and still arent but this about me getting healthy and its a new lifestyle change. I think the hardest thing there was the mental portiton. You cant say you can't do it, find ways to do it. I get up at 3:30am to workout to make sure I get it in and not take time away from my family and its a full hour to m yself to concentrate only on me.
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    oh my goodness thankyou so much!! i thought why bother i cant even do some of things! thats how i am with the yoga my little boy was under me the whole time, not so i look forward to keeping up with you! again congrats!! :)
  • crazeness
    Congratulations on the weight loss!
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