Need help!

I am new to this site ... Today is my 5th day and I am enjoying it so far. Haven't done a weigh in yet so I'll see how the scale feels about this site in a few days :)

My help comes with the sodium I am eating. I didn't know you could change the settings and when figured it out I added sodium to my daily count and a few of my days are really high ... Even with healthier foods like a turkey sandwich. My calories are usually under and only maybe 200-300. I try to exercise at least 3-4 days a week. I guess I just need any suggestions on what healthy foods and snacks people have to help with sodium!

I'm still new to this so I'm still learning! I opened up my diary to the public and I know it's not perfect yet but give me a month and I'll have a better handle!!

Thanks so much!!


  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Same here! Fifth day, just figured out how to add sodium to my settings and I've gone over a few times already.
    I eat a Healthy Choice can of soup for lunch everyday (I really love them!) and my coworker noticed and said that I could cut back on my sodium intake by making my own soup and bringing it in everyday. I would love to get more suggestions about ways to lower sodium intake.

    P.S. the can of soup isn't the major cause of the high sodium, but it is at least one way to cut back.
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Hey JKilty! We should be friends on here and help each other with this process! It would be fun to track our results together as restarted on the same day!

    I didn't know if anyone would respond so I took a look at my own food diary and see that a lot of my sodium is from dressings and condiments. First of all this makes me really sad as I am a condiment-aholic! :-P. Then I googled low sodium salad dressings and it seems as though if you have a blender there are a lot of dressings you can make on your own that are very low in sodium! I am gonna have to try some and I'll keep you posted. :)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Kitty and BFab,

    I think sodium is a hard one. The only real solution is to gradually wean yourself off of processed foods. It takes some time to change your tastebuds. If you go cold turkey you may find that you hate what you are eating and then find yourself binging so a gradual transition is better.


    If you are eating Canned soups, try eating a healthy choice first, and then switch to homemade.

    If you are eating deli meats, try turkey first (as you mentioned) and then change to a deli meat with low sodium or no sodium. Our local Wegmans sells a turkey breast that is just turkey breast. It tastes very plain and took some getting used to.

    If you use Jif or Peter Pan , try a natural peanut butter.

    I find that on the weekends I need to cook up larger amounts of certain things and then package them up in the freezer or fridge. I make my own high protein muffins, chicken breasts, rice, soup, and beans. By making these staples up ahead of time I am less likely to grab a convenience and processed food.

    HOpe this helps a bit and remember you don't have to do it perfectly over night!! Make on small step each week and by the years end you will be amazed at how healthy you are eating!!
