I want chocolate!!!!!!!!!!



  • Here is a link to the most fabulous chocolate recipe ever - Peanut Butter Coconut Oil Fudge! I have made this a few times - and instead of pouring into a tray and freezing and cutting, I use the little tiny paper 'truffle' cups, and it makes a lot of them. I keep them in the freezer, and if you just take one and savour it, I promise it will take care of your chocolate craving :wink:

  • I am glad to see that I am not the only one. I seriously think I am addicted to sweets, especially chocolate. If I do eat some, I make sure to include it, and I rarely go over in my calories, even with the sweets.
  • pocketsam
    pocketsam Posts: 134
    LOL same for me this week! I had some 70% coco green and blacks dark chocolate melted over strawberrys last night. Worked a treat and low call! Lindt does some dark chocolate bars with crystalized ginger or chill or cherrys in. Just a couple of squares is good since its such a strong flavour.

    Or 'Options' Hot choc has some amazing flavours 33 cals a mug or there indulgence range at 40 cals a mug.
    Can you tell I have felt your pain this week too? :P

    thank you my kindred spirit! lol! i have no restraint when it comes to choc so have had to go cold turkey but i have to cave in and have a tiny bit! i like the options but it doesnt hit the spot if u know what i mean?

    You could always make it with skimmed milk instead of water and have it before bed, after a bubble bath (to help with cramps) :P Then its such a lush treat to sooth yourself with and look forward to before bed. ( I am a girl that likes comforts haha) Having hot choc lasts longer than eating a bit of chocolate. I love it! I have it every day <3
    ps highly recommend the chocolate cherry one!!
  • hayley26d
    hayley26d Posts: 80 Member
    my new years resolution was NO CHOCOLATE for a year (may i say i was half drunk when i said it) but kids and hubby wont let me forget it. god how i hate them all) lol

    So its been 28 days so far and today i REALLY need chocolate. my 2 kids are eating minstrels and hubby is having chocolate m and m's.

    I know my period is due that is why its sooooooooooooooo much harder today but god i could kill someone for a mars bar.
  • Step away I want it to uggh this sucks but weight lose taste soo much better keep your head up and stay away from the choclate. Maybe see if some choclate milk satifys the craving.
  • What about weight watchers or skinny cow treats at the grocery store.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I love Fiber One bars - they have some wonderful flavors that satisfy a chocolate craving. I always have them on hand:)
  • Eat chocolate!!!!!!

    No, but seriously, eat some. I'm in the same boat and I know the burning desire of chocolate.

    Dark is best for you (medically speaking) if you like. I had a square of Ghirardelli (sp?) intense dark last night. MMMMM. If you can stand to have them around, I'd get a bag of Hershey's kisses. Then you can have one to satisfy a craving. One is very few calories. Some people can't have a whole bag in the house though or they'll eat it all. If you fall into that category, I recommend just going to the store, buying just enough good quality chocolate to eat all at once, and have it.
  • I crave chocolate sometimes too! Especially before "that time of the month"! Don't we all?! Well, if you do want chocolate, don't deny it from yourself. That can lead to future problems, trust me, I've been there. There is nothing wrong with eating a couple of small pieces of DARK chocolate. It's the healthiest kind of chocolate out there and some people actually recommend you eat a piece a day. (Not that I do...) But hey, if it fits into your calorie range, why not? It's not going to hinder weight loss at all. Actually, it may help because you can fight those cravings...but don't get that temptation to overdo it (:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member

    Just budget some room for it. I have chocolate in some form everyday. Chocolate chips to munch on, a couple cookies, or chocolate milk. Have some chocolate. AND LIKE IT! It's not going to make you fat if you eat a kit kat. It's going to make you fat if you eat 10. Everyday. Forever.

    Same here! I have at least a little every day. I feel like I NEED it! lol
  • I've heard if you want chocolate the best chocolate to have is a piece of dark chocolate! Not to mention if you don't allow your self to have a piece of something that you love or are absolutely craving you will end up giving in and over indulging it so its better to choose a healthy option of what your craving and just have a little piece :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Dark chocolate with at least 80% cacao. I think Ghiradelli has this. It's good for you. Just dont eat too much (half a bar should be about 100 calories) and log it in.
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    I just spread a little bit of Nutella on a banana and it tasted like a banana split. Man, it was good. I will go over on my sugar today but once a week isn't bad. Try a little bit of Nutella or make your own for a healthier version.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Thanks guys! I had spare calories and had 5 squares of cadburys whole nut 160 cals! Yummy and it made me realise thta you are all right. I can. Factor it into my daily allowance :) I can have 1/2 each day as its abt 33 cals a square. I cannot eliminate it from my life if I want this to be a lifestyle change.feel a lot better today! :) each day is a new day :) sorry for typos am on my phone!
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    Dark Chocolate Almond Milk, a small glass satisfies my craving.
  • If you choose to have some chocolate in the house, store it in the freezer. That way, it takes much longer to eat and you can really savour it as it melts :wink:
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