AACK! Company Annual Meeting

I have been asked to attend my company's annual sales meeting at the end of March! This is basically a 4-day conference to celebrate the success of the sales force in the previous year. Product developers, like me, go to present new technologies that will be launched in the current year. Well, this meeting is always in AZ, and there is TONS of pool time. Meetings happen at/in the pool, so there is not going to be any getting out of wearing a swimsuit.

It is time for me to focus, and drop at least 10 lbs between now and then! Anyone else ever had to wear a swimsuit professionally?


  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    WOW! I have never heard of that before and heck no I would not want my boss or co workers to see me in a swimsuit. Talk about getting to know your team! Guess you could be sure to have a nice cover up if you didn't want to be exposed!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    BigLaw law firms do that. I say get a nice coverup (Lilly, Tommy Bahama, whatever) and wear that over whatever you wear. Nobody can take you seriously when they can see what you look like in panties. And you can still dangle your feet in the water in a cover up, and blame it on easy-to-burn skin!