im not losing weight anymore : ( whyyyyyyy?

kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
soo i'd lost 12lbs-between march 31-may 17..but since i came home from school on may 17th, i've only lost two pounds, and some days i go back to what i was when i came home..despite the fact that i've up-ed my workouts from 6 days a week 3days 20 min/3days 60min to 5 days a week all for an hr. i eat late at night....but i always have. i drink more....but i fit it into my calories. and i havent changed my calorie intake at all!!! i'm only a 1/3 thru my weight loss and have only dropped 1 out of the 4 sizes i want to lose =[[ any suggestions???


  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    soo i'd lost 12lbs-between march 31-may 17..but since i came home from school on may 17th, i've only lost two pounds, and some days i go back to what i was when i came home..despite the fact that i've up-ed my workouts from 6 days a week 3days 20 min/3days 60min to 5 days a week all for an hr. i eat late at night....but i always have. i drink more....but i fit it into my calories. and i havent changed my calorie intake at all!!! i'm only a 1/3 thru my weight loss and have only dropped 1 out of the 4 sizes i want to lose =[[ any suggestions???
  • bnoack83
    bnoack83 Posts: 11
    now im no fitness guru, but maybe cause the weight you lost was all water weight, i've always heard you lose water weight first and thats what always gets people excited, then the real weight starts coming off... just keep you head up and your goal will be here sooner than you think... just keep doing what youre doing!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You said you're exercising more--are you eating those extra calories?

    How many calories a day are you consuming?

    Also, try upping your calorie intake for a few days--sometimes making a change in your diet "jolts' your body and gets it back on the losing track
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    I can not really answer the question why sometimes you do not loose anymore weight even though you keep doing everything right. It happens to me too. My guess would be it happens to everybody. I have had weeks where nothing changed. Even got to a point where that was so frustrating that I started to weigh only every 4 weeks.
    Loosing weight is not a linear function. Meaning you can unfortunately not expect to loose exactly so many pounds every week. If you honestly track your calories and stay in your limits you W I L L loose more weight.
    What was said before is correct, you first loose water weight and only after that you loose fat. If you increased your exercise you may be building muscle. ( muscle is heavier than fat). And I believe that if your body is used to a certain diet that you followed for years and that made you overweight, it is quite resilient to any changes.

    You are doing the only thing that really works: burn more calories per day than you consume. Keep doing that. If you get frustrated, maybe you can find a way to treat yourself ( NOT with food!:smile: ).

    Sorry, but loosing weight is really challenging, mentally and physically. Nobody said it would be easy. So hang in there and just keep doing what you have been doing.

    If you are absolutely sure you are tracking your calories honestly and correct, don't check your weight for maybe 2 weeks and see what happens. And when you get back on the scale do not expect miracles. You may have lost only a little.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You are doing the only thing that really works: burn more calories per day than you consume. Keep doing that. If you get frustrated, maybe you can find a way to treat yourself ( NOT with food!:smile: ).

    Think your sentiment was right but words wrong, schulz.

    We should never "burn more calories than we consume." That is starvation.

    Instead, we should try to get a deficit between what it takes to maintain our present weight and what we eat--that deficit is what leads to weight loss. Exercise helps tone, strengthen, and make us fit, but we also need to eat those extra calories we gain through weight loss IF we are already getting a deficit through cut-back on calories already.

    Otherwise, we also risk putting our body into starvation mode by not giving it enough food/energy to simply survive.

    But one should always eat at least 1200 calories a day--and for most of us, that is still to low of a deficit.
  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    I hear you i am in the same boat havent lost any weight in 3 weeks and i have been yo yoing up approx 2 lbs then i loose it to get back to were i was then i gain it all back again. I havent been eating over my cals as well. If you figure it out please let me know
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    kobrie, if I remember correctly you posted a long while ago about not eating excercise calories but still losing weight and a lot of people told you that the losses would stop eventually because you're not eating enough. If you havn't changed your caloric intake than this is clearly the reason you have stalled. up your CALORIES not your excercise and you will see losses again. don't, and you may in fact see GAINS in the near future. Good luck!

    ps- you earn those extra calories, you should be enjoying them!:flowerforyou:
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    You are right shorerider, that is essentially what I want to say.

    I was by no means suggesting starvation. I just resent all these "loose 10 pounds" in one week diet, starving yourself, eating not enough carbs and what ever other ways are out there. The only thing that really works is what we do here, or weight watchers. The deficit between current weight maintenance and what we actually eat is what I call burning more calories than you consume. But the way you said it is phrased better:smile: