Weight loss and the Gym - need help, please.



  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I've always heard that you lose fat from your "problem" areas last. Or at least it seems that way because those areas have more fat to lose than others:tongue: For instance, I have the opposite problem you do, I lose fat very quickly from my legs, arms, chest and it seems as if it takes forever to see a noticeable difference in my belly(very apple shaped). I'm still losing from my belly, it's just not as noticeable because I have more fat to lose there than other places. So keep plugging away!

    Totally agree! I tend to be an 'apple' so all my weight goes straight to my stomach (first), arms, chest, shoulders and face. I have noticed a huge difference in every area and a SMALL difference in my stomach. That's the first place it goes, and the last to leave!! I'm with you!! Keep it up! We'll be looking like an apple core instead of an apple when we're done! :smile: