Please read!

I'm going to post this here, even though it's about the site, becuase I think it will help every one of us who asks or answers questions here. I'm SICK AND TIRED of answering the same blasted questions over and over. For some reason there are no moderators or stickies on this forum (which is STUPID. This is the only message board I've ever seen without them.), so as a community we need to come together with the common goal of saving everyone's time by telling people to use the search function when they ask a question that has already been asked.

There are a million answers on here about deficits, exercise calories, protein, so-on and so-forth. If anyone uses the search function they will find all the information they need about these topics. Not only will we all be saved from having to type the same answers again, but the questioner will find BETTER information because when we answer the same dang question for the 20th time, we aren't going into the same level of detail we did the first time it was answered. I don't think it's disrespectful to ask people to use the search, because many people on here have never been a part of an online forum before and don't know how to use the features to find all the information available.

We don't have to be mean about it as many other forums are, but when someone asks about something that we all know has been answered, just kindly suggest that they use the search to find the answer. When people start to see this, it will clean up the boards and save everyone's time and effort.

Edit; I just realized that there are a few stickies, but still not nearly enough!


  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I agree...but there are actually stickies at the top of every topic. I think they need to be put in a more prominent place somehow and labeled better, but they ARE there.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I agree, but I don't see that there will ever be any moderators seeing as it's a free site. I'd rather it be free and have to deal with some inconveniences.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    so true. thank you :]
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    my favorite thing about this forum is that its such a nice polite place, unlike most internet forums no one seems to relish biting peoples heads off so yeah, more sticky topics would be great and I hope that happens but I also hope this doesn't turn into an every newbie who asks a typical question gets yelled at fest. not that to say that's what the OP wants but yeah, more stickies and politely suggesting the search function would be a great combo. but the same questions are NEVER going to stop being asked.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't understand about stickies? if anyone can explain. Of course, this has probably been asked before:tongue:
    I always try the search function before I post a question, but I don't think the search function is very good, to be fair, and if you don't want to answer the same question again, you certainly don't have to!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    no-one makes you read and answer the same questions over and over again, so dont do it!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    In some ways I agree. It just seems to me that the sheer number of new and excited people who come on here everyday will always result in newbie questions on the message forums. And that's OK. I think in turn some of the old hands who get message fatigue will rest from answering and some who have evolved to feeling like responding will be more likely to.

    I find myself not answering the same type of questions over and over. It also took me awhile as a new comer to start looking thru the sticky topics and using the search function.

    I applaud all the really patient people on here who lovingly guide the new posters to the areas that can address their questions.
  • bdavenport62
    I was just thinking about this today. I'm new here but I know enough to use a search feature. All the questions I have had (so far) I have been able to the answers out myself using the search feature.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    I don't understand about stickies? if anyone can explain. Of course, this has probably been asked before:tongue:
    I always try the search function before I post a question, but I don't think the search function is very good, to be fair, and if you don't want to answer the same question again, you certainly don't have to!

    in each section of the forum (i.e. food and nutrition) the message topics at the VERY beginning that look like they have red tacks on them are the stickies. The stickies are universal type topics that can help answer many newbie type questions.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    no-one makes you read and answer the same questions over and over again, so dont do it!

    I think because he is a nice person he WANTS to inform people, and is willing to try and fix a problem- instead of being rude to them. hmmmm- it' really is a great concept.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    I actually disagree with the OP on this.

    I understand that it can be frustrating to see the same questions asked over and over again. Most of that is our fault - one of the shortcomings of the site is that there isn't a great introductory tutorial to how things work. The site is pretty easy to use so most people figure it out on their own, but we really need to improve the experience for new users so that there are easy ways to learn how things work on MFP. That's on us, and we definitely plan on making some improvements there.

    The other issue is that the search function on the message boards frankly stinks. It just doesn't work well. Again, that's on us, and we're planning on improving it in the future as well.

    Given that, it's hard to blame new users for posting repetitive comments. And no matter what, even if the above two problems were fixed, repeat questions will still happen, although perhaps less frequently. To handle this issue, many other forums will state in their forum rules that members should use the search function before asking questions, and in fact, some even penalize users who do not search first.

    We have deliberately chosen NOT to do that.

    One of the BIGGEST benefits of MFP is that you can make friends and find support from our amazing community. The message boards are a huge part of that. And many people's first introduction to the message boards is because they have a question they need help with. Most people are absolutely amazed when they ask a question and receive an answer within minutes, even seconds. And many times, the result is that they've made a friend for life. At the very least, they realize that they can tap into the community to find the support they need to reach their goals, and everything we do at MFP is designed to help people reach their goals. That's all we focus on.

    So imagine instead if we discouraged people from posting on the message boards by scaring people off because they didn't know to search, or even if they did, perhaps they felt their question was slightly different, yet someone posted a rant because they felt it had been asked before. Honestly, I don't think that would be a great experience for anyone.

    Again, I know it can be frustrating to see repeat questions, and as I mentioned earlier, we are working on trying to make some improvements so that some of the simpler repeat questions at least are avoided. We have other ideas as well about how to make the forums a bit more interesting for our more experienced members. But please remember that we were all newbies once, and that the benefit of asking a question is not just getting the answer, but also meeting the person who answers it. And in many cases, we feel that the relationship that can form is the most valuable part.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Can I just point out as well that some threads go on forever! and sometimes you still don't find quite the information you were looking for there. Anyone can search this message broad or Google but the fact of the matter is everyones journey is different and maybe they want to ask a question for their selfs to get new and fresh answers. Maybe someone else has something new or different to say.
  • melissapoulin
    i agree that it can be a pain to read the same thing over and over, but no one is forcing anyone to read, or reply when they don't want to.. some ppl are just not computer savvy ( i mean i never knew what a sticky was untill i read this thread) , and i agree that some ppl think that their question might be slightly different than what is already out there. i think it is nice to get different opinions from the ppl on here who don't mind answering questions from us newbies. and lets keep this site free even if that means that there are some problems with it.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    no-one makes you read and answer the same questions over and over again, so dont do it!

  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Well that was a tad bit harsh.

    What is so incredibly outstanding about this site to me is the encouragement and support individuals can find here. I think there are plenty of people who don't mind answering the same questions over and over. I would be one of those people! Of course, answering questions about nutrition is my career field so I'm used to it. :)

    In all fairness, maybe you didn't mean to be harsh. I'm sure it'll be alright to offer a bit of friendly advice to individuals who aren't wise to the "search feature." But certainly don't exhaust yourself answering questions you don't want to answer. Someone else will be happy to help out I'm sure!

    Mike, I love love LOVE this site and share it with colleagues on a regular basis! Thank you and your brother for offering this service for free! You are both OUTSTANDING! :)
  • misty1208
    I gotta say I just started posting today and was asking a few questions, finally somone pointed out there was a search button. I didnt see it, not because im slow but beacuse its alot to take in at first. We are excited to get started and make some friends to help us along the way.

    I do see how it would get old seeing the same questions over and over but thankfully everyone Ive met so far has been super supportive and helpful. :)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I actually disagree with the OP on this.

    I understand that it can be frustrating to see the same questions asked over and over again. Most of that is our fault - one of the shortcomings of the site is that there isn't a great introductory tutorial to how things work. The site is pretty easy to use so most people figure it out on their own, but we really need to improve the experience for new users so that there are easy ways to learn how things work on MFP. That's on us, and we definitely plan on making some improvements there.

    The other issue is that the search function on the message boards frankly stinks. It just doesn't work well. Again, that's on us, and we're planning on improving it in the future as well.

    Given that, it's hard to blame new users for posting repetitive comments. And no matter what, even if the above two problems were fixed, repeat questions will still happen, although perhaps less frequently. To handle this issue, many other forums will state in their forum rules that members should use the search function before asking questions, and in fact, some even penalize users who do not search first.

    We have deliberately chosen NOT to do that.

    One of the BIGGEST benefits of MFP is that you can make friends and find support from our amazing community. The message boards are a huge part of that. And many people's first introduction to the message boards is because they have a question they need help with. Most people are absolutely amazed when they ask a question and receive an answer within minutes, even seconds. And many times, the result is that they've made a friend for life. At the very least, they realize that they can tap into the community to find the support they need to reach their goals, and everything we do at MFP is designed to help people reach their goals. That's all we focus on.

    So imagine instead if we discouraged people from posting on the message boards by scaring people off because they didn't know to search, or even if they did, perhaps they felt their question was slightly different, yet someone posted a rant because they felt it had been asked before. Honestly, I don't think that would be a great experience for anyone.

    Again, I know it can be frustrating to see repeat questions, and as I mentioned earlier, we are working on trying to make some improvements so that some of the simpler repeat questions at least are avoided. We have other ideas as well about how to make the forums a bit more interesting for our more experienced members. But please remember that we were all newbies once, and that the benefit of asking a question is not just getting the answer, but also meeting the person who answers it. And in many cases, we feel that the relationship that can form is the most valuable part.

    First, you've done an amazing job so far - this is the only site I've seen (and I've looked) where both the tools and the community are great. Usually one of those components is sorely lacking.

    Of course there are areas for improvement, as there always will be, since a dynamic and growing site has to keep evolving. The newbie tutorial and a better search function being at the top of the list, IMO. I think some people get frustrated more at defending some of the answers to the frequently asked questions - I don't tire of answering them, it's just hard when someone comes back and contradicts the info, often in a dangerous (ie promoting unhealthy/unsafe advice) way. As mentioned on another thread, a voice of "authority" would help greatly with that.

    But you made an outstanding point regarding helping/meeting new people. I would probably have about 5 friends on my list and still be feeling somewhat "on my own" if I hadn't started really using the boards. And I wouldn't have done that without asking/answering questions.

    So thank you for creating (and defending) an environment that promotes reaching out to eachother to help each of us meet our goals!
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    As a member who is new to using the forums, I didn't realize you could search for things further than what shows up, until someone told me. Now I will be sure to do that in the future. If there was a way to just politely tell people to do that, it would be helpful.