Stay ay home moms...



  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    I have mine set at sedentary...I spend plenty of time on my rear end throughout the day, even if I am active at random intervals. I certainly never feel like I'm working out b/c I'm cleaning or doing laundry. I guess what I consider active is someone who is not sitting down (like when I used to be a bartender, man my legs were sore at the end of a shift) I don't feel 'sore' from chilling at my house or running errands.

    I also don't log my chores as exercise, I consider that part of's my day to day, but it's not special. I've seen people who are stay at home parents claim they are active, but I'm not one of those parents. ( I also have 3 kids under the age of 6 if that makes a difference)

    This EXACTLY except I only have one 13 month old.

    The reason I'm on this site was b/c my life was too sedentary...know what iIm saying??
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm with a lot of the ladies here. I put sedentary. I am busy all day with a 2 1/2 year old and an 11 month old, but am I active? Not really. We play on the floor a lot. I cook meals. I pick up their toys. On days that we walk, or we do marathon shopping (walking an hour or longer), or I do a heavy cleaning, or I push them on the swings for half an hour I get to log it all as exercise. That stuff gets my heart rate up and I feel like I've been working hard.