Here we go, the second month of the year

Ok, so you say to yourself that you made it thru January and you are making some ground on achieving those goals you put out there. Everything seems to be moving in the right direction. You are making a regular workout schedule and you have even made new friends at the gym you are currently at. You may have even tried to take some aerobic classes for the first time. But I need to give you a bit of a warning. As good as January was to you, February is going to be that much tougher.

This is the month when r old life, the one you were trying to get away, from comes back and gets in your way. This is the time when super bowl parties become plentiful. This is the time when work becomes a lot busier. This is the time when you child activity schedule rear its ugly head. This is the time when, all that time you thought you had to give to yourself, will be compromised and you will have to make some difficult but important choices.

Now, I am absolutely not telling you to ignore any of the above because it is all very important in your life. But what I am telling you is that you need to strike a balance this month of changing your life and dealing with your old life. Too many people at this point try and fight thru it and ultimately end up failing in a big way. Their intentions are good but the methods at which they use to try and achieve those goals are faulty at best. Going into February let’s begin the process of a reality check and balance out life the way it should be. Here are a couple of tips that may be able to help you.

1) Stay focused: Constantly keep your eye on your goals. Remember persistency and consistency is the key.
2) Be More Realistic: If you are as busy as most and your old life and its chores are beginning to come back, sit down and figure out a realistic schedule for bring both worlds together. You will be surprised on how you can work these things out.
3) Begin the process of getting rid of dead wood: At this point you are going to feel tempted to go back to that life you once knew. You will be tempted to see those old friends you use to hang out with. You know the ones who said to you, “ Oh just wait you will be back.” This is the month you need to make a decision on what really is important to you and then walk towards that light.
4) Schedule, schedule, schedule: Now your life has to be scheduled in a big way or you may forget something or worst yet you may begin to feel over whelmed. By keeping a schedule it keeps that feeling of stress away from you and you are able to accomplish much more.

Following these simple steps should get you thru the next month. Remember life is going to come at you hard now. Now is the time to focus and stay on task.