Does anyone else ...

Does anyone else look like they need medical attention when they work out or am I the only one? My head looks like it's going to explode I am so red. I actually had an instructor stop the class to see if I was going to keel over on the poor broad. I really am breathing, nothing labored, just have a really red, red face. Maybe it's my Scottish heritage rearing its head.


  • immskris
    I'm the same way! I turn red very easily, too. I'm Irish with a bit of Scottish.... has to be the heritage :-)
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    My face turns bright red and I sweat like crazy, even when I don't think I'm working that hard. I've also had to reassure cardio instructors that I was not dying. I've got a scot-english background too, so maybe it is inherited. :mad: <--me working out!:laugh:
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    I agree, English with a bit of Scottish. Must be t:smile: he fair skin
  • monkey18
    Oh your killing me>>> loved your post. i get red in the face when i run and people just stare. Your doing great just add a smile n wave.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    :blushing: woops smiley went the wrong place
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    1/4 Scottish here and also bright red! Lol didn't think that was why, but maybe :)
  • bdavenport62
    I was just thinking about this running on the dreadmill yesterday. I felt like other people were secretly making bets on whether I was going to pass out or not.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    The reason they check on you is because that is a warning sign for high blood pressure. I actually diagnosed my DH's blood pressure in the gym because of the red face while working out. You might want to double check your BP with your doctor just to be on the safe side and to put those instructors minds to ease.
  • Tracie65
    Me too! My face gets bright red and I sweat a lot!! My maiden name is Campbell, definatly a Scottish thing!! My husband usually thinks I am about to pass out, even though I usually feel fine! Its one of the reasons I really like workingout alone.
  • Tracie65
    Oh, and I happen to have low blood pressure!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have had the problem since I was a kid! My parents could always tell when I had alcohol because of my red face! Now when I go out and plan on having a drink or two I put on some concealer to mask it somewhat. Exercise does the same thing, sex too :blushing: The dermatologist called it a mild case of rosacea a few years ago.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    funny this came up..2 days ago I did a really fast hike with my dogs until I couldnt walk anymore and on the way home from the park I glanced in the mirror, OMG my face was bright red! It really shocked me.
    I am Irish Scottish too......PIPER DOWN..WE HAVE A PIPER DOWN!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    My BP has always been good too. I'm a healthy tomato.
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    you should just to be safe have your BP checked.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Same here, and I've been told I have amazing BP. Scottish here as well (last name Lindsay, ha!) so maybe it is that. I don't get incredibly red, but its more noticeable than anyone else there. I use to be so self-conscious about it, but I've gotten to the point of just saying 'oh well' to it. If looking like a cherry is what it takes, it must be done!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I've historically had low b.p. but it wouldn't hurt to get it checked out.
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Definitely have a BP on the low end of normal, am of Italian, German, and Polish descent, and red as a lobster after 30 minutes of cardio. Figure that one out.
  • cmj516
    cmj516 Posts: 9
    my face turns red when I do practically anything lol. and I'm a sweater, I've always been. it makes me feel like I'm workin it!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Me! Me! Me! I get red very easily, as does my soccer playing daughter.
  • brunettebetty
    Same here! Scots and English! Beat red when I work out! Lower than 120/80 BP whenever it's checked! :laugh: