new in town...well the MFP town that is

Hey Hey everybody. IM 28 yrs young and im at a whoppin' 195 and im only 5'2". i would like to blame it all on my recent pregnancy with my now 5 month old daughter, but i wasnt in the best shape to begin with, so i cant really do that. at my smallest i was 125..that was high school though, im not expecting to get there, but my goal is to reach 135-140, by the end of summer. I joined my local gym about 2 months ago and have lost about 6 pounds. My problem is i dont keep track of what the heck im eating so i eat anything i please. So i figure this is a good way to track what im eating, and stay motivated by reading all of you guys amazing success stories!


  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there,
    You have made a great choice coming here! Lots of help and encouragement along the way.
    As far as keeping a journal - please consider it as it is the best way to see what and how much your eating.
    Honesty really does make you see what you have to do if you really want to lose the pounds.
    Welcome aboard add me as a friend if you would like!
    Best of luck**
  • imperfectlyhere
    I started at 195 with losing weight that is and my heaviest was 208 when i was pregnant with my 3rd.I use to weigh 120 before kid days and I was like you thats not goal is 130. I feel your pain but i have 3 kids and we are done and now its time for me to focus on ME:) i am fairly new to this site but really like it and their are so many supportive people!!!