30 down, 30 to go

Due to illness I've lost 30 pounds in the last month! Just wish it could have been by my trying. :smile: I am on prednisone now which is supposed to have a side effect of weight gain. :angry: Well, I would like to lose another 30 (by my own doing)... so here I am! I already love this site and know it will be a big help to me. Hopefully I will make some new weight loss buds on here for support. Good luck to everyone in reaching your goals!


  • sewist
    sewist Posts: 40
    Wow, I love your attitude. Wishing you good health!
  • Tinman07
    Thanks Sewist! Still trying to figure this site out. Is there a spot that lists the foods and calories, proteins, etc... or do you have to search for everything? Or like a spot where people list their daily suggestions for meals or recipes?
  • Tinman07
    Well....the weight is still coming off a little faster than I had hoped for. Am shooting for 1-2 lbs a week and have averaged 5.5 since starting on here. Guess I'll have to increase my calories by a bit more every day if I can.