can i get a little advice plz...

So, I have 2.2 pounds until i get to my ultimate goal but i want a smaller waist, im currently at 30 inches. Should i keep losing weight or stay at my goal weight and just drop the body fat? I just dont know how to drop the body fat!


  • colonelangus
    I just go by body fat and how I want to look. Weight itself is too ambiguous. Unless you are losing body fat to the point it is unhealthy, I can't see the problem with losing it.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Yep, I would completly ignore the weight and focus on body compesition. Especially if you work out a lot.
  • Rockin23
    i like the advice, thanks! After i hit my goal weight i'll just work on lowering my body fat, which is currently at 30%:embarassed: