Sad, Depressed and Stepping Backward

For the first time in a really, really long time I am using food for comfort. I have so much going on right now and just don't know how to handle it. I am stressed about my classes starting and not having my books and materials here yet. (they are in the mail) but the biggest stresser I have is waiting to find out if my husband had bone cancer. We just found out he has to have a CT Scan and I am scared to death. I don't know how I will handle this. The thought of having to see my son watch his father go through something so devistating is killing me. I am in no way worried about myself because I will stand by my husband till the end. He is the love of my life and my hero. I am praying that we get good news but I have this feeling I just can't shake. I know that all of this is really bothering me because I started out my morning with FUNYUNS!!! I have never done that. Usually it is oatmeal but not today. I have so much support here but I just can't seem to find the motivation! HELP!!!!!


  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Please hang in there, and message me if you want to talk :)
  • toxicbox
    If you really are that stressed, maybe now is not a good time to be taking classes. You don't want to have too much on your plate at one time. But as for your eatting I wish I had something awe inspiring but I'm the same way I get depressed and I eat too. Its not an easy thing to stop. All I can say (the pot calling the kettle balck here) is try to resist it. You will be happier with yourself when you do. And above all you do have all the support here you could ask for and those of us that believe will be praying for you and your family.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    To be true emotional eating is hard to over come, but it is one way people see they can have control. If you take this thought and control of your food and keep making the right can at least feel better about that instead of guilty. All the things you can't just life, the ups and downs. The part you can control is what you are putting in your body and how strong you are making your body. Eating the right things will help you have the energy to face these tough times even when you think you can't. Working out helps with depression. All you gotta do is take the first step...say to yourself you'll walk 5 mins and go from there. Even little things can make the difference and you'll find you are stronger then you ever thought and as in control of your life as you can be.

    I do hope things get better and some how they will, but it's hard right now and it is hard to see beyond that, but you will come through this with a better understanding of yourself. Especially since you are self aware enough to know how you are feeling and why you are doing what you are doing.
  • zachorymaji
    WOW!!! Seesaa said it well!!!!
    Hang tough for your son and husband........get the junk out of your house and binge on good strong and lean on those when you need to.

    Things will always seem worse before the storm and then suddenly.........the sun rises from behind the clouds and you realize it's going to be ok......just one day at a time.

    God bless you and your family and my family and I will pray for you and yours. Please keep us posted........

  • sandyvanderstelt
    my dad had bone cancer, among many other cancers. i stress eat also, it sucks!! if you need someone to talk to you can message me. and i hope everything turns out ok.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    *hugs* for you. I can't imagine the stress you're under.

    See if you can lighten your load. Do you *have* to be taking classes right now? Or can you cut down to only one maybe? Seesaa is right -- you can't control what is happening to your husband, but you can control some things. Eating junk feels good *right now,* but it actually inhibits your ability to handle stress because your body isn't getting what it needs. So have some Funyuns if you need to, but only a couple, and then follow up with some healthy foods. Exercise when you can. Maybe get the whole family out for a walk together -- it might help get your minds off everything, if only for a moment. It's Saturday, so maybe you could take a day trip to a museum or aquarium, somewhere fun that will get you all out of the house and having fun.

    But above all, be kind to yourself. You're having an understandable reaction to stress. So try to rein it in, but if you stumble, please don't beat yourself up over it. You're only human, and you have way too much to take in right now. Don't add to your stress by piling self-loathing on top of the mix. Hugs and prayers for you guys.
  • nubreeze33
    Well in times like these I turn to GOD. Your husband has not been given an expiration date so those voices in the back of your mind that cause fear in you try to divert your thoughts somewhere else even if you have to do it a million times in one day. We all know going through life that death is inevitable, but we can learn to just appreciate the now while not looking to know what the future holds. With that reality it helps me get through my scares when my mother is ill and having major surgeries or my grandmother takes a bad turn. Just know you always have somewhere to turn for comfort and protection from your thoughts. Emotional eating is a tough really is but the fact that you even wrote this message here shows you want help. My suggestion is to just surround yourself with healthier foods. But keep some good ones around......I like junk food ALOT!!! So what I usually do to fix that craving is I make my own trail mix with mostly good stuff but also like a few m&m's to help with the chocolate craving. Almonds are the best. Honey crisp apples and shake a bit of cinnamon on them omg what a treat! I will grab a slice of gluten free toast and put some peanut butter and honey on it. It may be high in fight but it's also high in a ton of other great things as well. But most of all don't be too hard on yourself. Everything seems bigger and more magnified when it seems you have too much weight on your shoulders. A really awesome cardio session can help you control that. You will be surprised how a really awesome, heart beating, sweat drenched cardio session will make you feel. Be encouraged, everyday is a new opportunity to make new memories. So appreciate the time now rather than allowing it to just pass on by.
  • DawnBelle
    Praying for you and your family. *hugs*

    Psalm 55:22 (NIV) Cast your cares on the lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.