It's the little moments...

So I'm feeling a little proud of myself... After working Thursday night, staying up all day, and taking a late two hour nap... I ended up running late evening and night errands and by the time I got home, did my 30 day shred workout, and got settled...I was hungry... And it was midnight.. And I was wide awake..

It was 1am before I decided to go ahead and eat.. And that's when it happened.. I decided I was about to blow my diet.. While trying to clean out fridge and freezer.. I found myself with 2 pieces of butter bathed frozen garlic bread, 2 pieces of thin sliced ham lunch meat, and an ounce of mozz cheese.. And two raw flour tortillas... Cooked the tortillas and ate them hot out of the skillet.. Threw the garlic bread in the skillet, browned one side, flipped, added lunch meat and cheese.. And sandwiched together.. Took a bite and was in heaven.. Another bite of cheesy goodness.. And then another.. But the third bite.. Didn't taste as good since I knew it wasn't what I really needed. Passed it off to my hubby.. Broke down and added it to my food diary... And was still under my fat and calories!!!! (I added it to yesterdays, even tho it was after midnight, since it's hard to configure everything by the hour when your days and nights are so back and forth)

Then realized I was actually full, but REALLY wanted something sweet.. Uh oh... Two tablespoons of light cool whip later... I was satisfied!

It's the little successful moments for me that keep me going! :-)


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    I know how you feel. I did the same thing and was still under my goal yesterday also. We are awesome!!!!!! Have a great weekend.
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    We ARE awesome!! Haha. You have a great weekend as well!! B
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    You are soo good! I didn't even think about like cool whip as a dessert, but now I'm going to have to buy some for the next time I have a sweet tooth so that way the only sweet thing in the house won't be my husband's full o' fat icecream. Thanks for inspiring me!
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    :-). I used it to top my diet sprite and crushed pineapple cake I made awhile back.. Now I just keep a small tub to help satisfy a sweet tooth.. It's great with berries too! I've also made a sugar/fat free chocolate jello, with a little bit of instant coffee crystals.. Then folded in some of the light cool whip. It's like a cafe mocha whipped moussey goodness kind of dessert. :-)