Help plz!!

Would love to start working out, but not sure what would be the best thing to start with. I haven't worked out in years and can't seem to find anything that sounds fun. Would love some suggestions. Thanks!!


  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    zumba! It's a blast!
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    I like the wii fit games ! and good for someone just starting out.
  • coypelican
    For me, Zumba, too!! Tons of burned calories and fun! Leave your inhibitions:devil: at the door!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I started by walking. very outta shape. 485#'s. I did it very little at a time. 2x a week. spread out with 2 days of rest. 1 mile would take me 1hr. lots of rest breaks inbetween. I now jog and walk mixed. and avg. 3.5 miles in that same 1 hr. 5x a week. with 2 days rest. well I dont really rest I hit the gym and do weights on those 2 days I don't walk.
  • MrsTate27
    I agree zumba is fun!! You should try it
  • driscollmc
    i'd suggest the elliptical. you can adjust the resistance to make it harder, it's easy on your knees (which is a huge plus for me) and just see how long you can go for on that. also speed walking uphill is great! does your gym offer free consultations with trainers? that might help too. or workout with a friend, i don't know haha. good luck!!
  • karizmah78
    I love aqua aerobics - they are low impact and I don't sweat (cuz I hate sweating) I go when all the senior citizens are there! That way when I have pushed so hard and I feel like I want to quit I say "if these old ladies can do this so can I". It is fun and you can really get a great work out if you push the limits of the movements! :) Best of luck!:happy: :laugh:
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I like the wii fit games ! and good for someone just starting out.

    I second the motion. We bought our Wii Fit two years ago, and for the first time in my adult life I have a regular workout routine. I started with easy stuff, progressed to harder stuff, use the fun stuff when I don't really feel like working out, and stow the thing under my TV stand when I'm not using it. It's wonderful. It even counts calories burned and lets you weigh your pet (unless your pet is a 100-lb bloodhound like mine).
  • karizmah78
    I love aqua aerobics - they are low impact and I don't sweat (cuz I hate sweating) I go when all the senior citizens are there! That way when I have pushed so hard and I feel like I want to quit I say "if these old ladies can do this so can I". It is fun and you can really get a great work out if you push the limits of the movements! :) Best of luck!:happy: :laugh:
  • karizmah78
    I love aqua aerobics - they are low impact and I don't sweat (cuz I hate sweating) I go when all the senior citizens are there! That way when I have pushed so hard and I feel like I want to quit I say "if these old ladies can do this so can I". It is fun and you can really get a great work out if you push the limits of the movements! :) Best of luck!:happy: :laugh:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Zumba is fun but really hard to do at first. Just get a couple of beginning dance videos (I used Richard Simmons to start) or use fast past walking until you build up your stamina a little bit. Once you get to where you can exercise 30-45 minutes without losing your breath, Zumba is great!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I loved working at the all-women's circuit training- curves for women. I didn't feel like I was being stared at for being so big, there was enough change up that the machines didn't get boring, and they always had really fast upbeat music playing. This is all in the past tense, since I used to never stick with anything (changing that!), but you could always visit and try it out. They, like most places, I believe, will let you be an "honorary" member for a few days to a week to see if it is the place for you. I recommend trying several places until you find the right fit. I'm going back to Curves though.

    p.s. They also offer Zumba now, but I haven't been back since they began offering it, so I'm not sure how it is incorporated. And I would love a Wii Fit!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I love aqua aerobics - they are low impact and I don't sweat (cuz I hate sweating) I go when all the senior citizens are there! That way when I have pushed so hard and I feel like I want to quit I say "if these old ladies can do this so can I". It is fun and you can really get a great work out if you push the limits of the movements! :) Best of luck!:happy: :laugh:
    Water aerobics is great! I did this 6 weeks after my hysterectomy and it really helped build up my stamina. It's also very gentle on the joints.