New to MFP

QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! Just figured I would stop by and introduce myself.
My name is Trina, I am 29 yrs old, married mother of 2.
I stay home with my kids full time and have been on this "healthy new me" road for about 2 yrs.
I started after the birth of my son, when I weighed in @ 220 and felt miserable about myself and finally did something about it.
I have done diet pills, fad diets, 1-2 weeks of exericse in the past, but this time something *clicked* and I actually ENJOY exercise and healthy eating. Whoda thunk? LOL
I have lost almost 70#s now, but still have some work to do to get my body trim and fit looking. My kids were born 15 mos apart so my stomach area leaves a lot to be desired. I am hoping one day I will be happy with my body. Its not like I was ever slim, so maybe I never will be. Who knows?
But anyway, love this site! And I have been reading the other success stories and it makes me feel so happy to be joining all the wonderful and inspiring people on here.

Thanks for reading!


  • Welcome! This is a great site. You can make the most of it in many different ways: get motivational tips, create a diet plan, set goals, make friends and communicate:happy: . You just do what you enjoy doing on here. The inspiration alone will help you get where you want to be.
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