one p'd off fat chick!

i dont freakin get it!? i have been steadily tracking my calories and doing good with exercising for the past 2 weeks and each time i get on that death trap (!) im fatter!!!! what do i have to do to actually LOSE the weight?!?!?! my god am i always gonna be doomed to being a whale the rest of my life?!

Sorry for the rant people.


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    :( Can you set your diary to public so we can see what's going on? Maybe there's something you're missing. Don't give up!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    did you do measurements before you started? If not do it today. That way if the scale doesn't move you'll see the inches going away. I've been working out hard for the past 30 days, no weight loss but 7 inches total gone. I'll take that. :)
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Keep at it! It sounds like you (just like me) are doing a major overhaul on your lifestyle. Keep working on it and see how it goes! I would be happy to be friends with you to see if we can help support one another!

    Good luck and don't let the setbacks keep you from making progress in the future!

  • akreyn2
    Don't get frustrated I feel the same way, I did a weight loss challenge and lost only 4 pounds only to gain it back plus 3 more over Christmas break. I'm now trying less carbs, good fats (real butter, olive oil, nuts,etc.) different bread and pasta. Like mixed grain and some pasta's I've never heard of!!!! Keep on track and remember that wieght is not everything. Being in a healthier body regardless of your weight will help you live longer with less diesease and I know we all want that!!!!!!!!!!
  • midnightangelz
    remember you will gain muscle first, so it is normal for your weight to stay the same (or even go up 1-2 lbs) the first 2-4 weeks you begin your program.
    When I started I didn't lose anything the first 2 weeks, but I stuck with it and the lbs started coming off (and coming off quicker and quicker as the weeks went by).
    Stick with it!
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah, if you can make your food diary public for a little while we can see if there are any changes that may help. Also, are you drinking enough water and how often is your excercise and what do you do for excercise?

    I also had gains during the first couple of weeks and finally starting to lose. Don't give up! You maybe retaining water due to higher sodium diet or if you are close to your TOM ( for me a few days before I gain) but you will see it go down within a week after.
  • james3302
    james3302 Posts: 119
    2 weeks is not long enough, give it some more time. and I agree that you should share your food diary so we can see what you are eating.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    MEASUREMENTS!!!!! Do them ASAP....I just did mine yesterday! My girlfriend was just saying the same thing to me....that the scale hasnt gone down but she does feel better!!! keep it up and dont give up!!! you can do it!!! just dont worry about what the scale says!! its a number....take your measurements and watch those shrink!!!
  • katacha999
    A) you could be gaining muscle and losing fat --> stop focusing on the scale number - take measurements OR use your clothes as a measure? Fit better? Don't need as much "working in" in the morning?

    B) you've only been doing it for 2 wks! Give any new regime at least 4 - 6 wks to see serious results, as your metabolism is adjusting to new activity and new caloric amounts - your body could be in shock.

    C) watch the processed foods. Try and keep to putting things in your mouth that you can name all the ingredients. i.e. broccoli. steak, or quinoea --> avoid white flour, white sugar. The processed stuff leaves free radicals in your body that cant be broken down or is toxic and then your body's defence will be to simply stash it in fat cells.

    Don't give up! You can DO it!!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    Someone pointed out to me recently that when you change your diet you could get water weight gain until your body gets used to the change. Also, if your building muscle, that's can cause water weight gain too.

    Please don't get discouraged. Hang in there!!!
  • thehobbyist
    My suggestions:

    Keep reading. There's always more to learn, especially if you stick to legitimate sources and not sensationalist talk shows, magazines, and anything that pimps a particular kind of weight-loss strategy besides diet and exercise. Here's the absolute best link I can point you in to get started, it's 100% worth the time it takes to read it over:

    Stop weighing yourself for a while. Try again in two weeks. In the mean time, take measurements of your hips, waist, thighs, whatever part you're interested in seeing smaller.

    Take some before pictures. Take some shots head-on, from the back, and from the side. Losing weight is great, but if the number went down and you didn't look any different, would you care? Similarly, even if the number doesn't budge easily and you look better, you're still getting somewhere.

    Keep at it. Two weeks isn't long enough. You and I didn't get fat in two weeks. We won't get thin in it either. Stop thinking of fitness and weight loss as something you can do for a short time and be done with, you're going to need to think of it as the journey of a lifetime, something that never stops.

    You can do this, you really can.
  • mmelaniewalters
    ok , what exercise are u doing ??? are u sweating buckets and going at it 100 % ?? coz if its something hi impact /v high energy .. you actually might be working too hard!!! so you will be increasing yr fitness , but not burning fat ..

    you should be working at (dont quote me on this .. google it so u know its accurate , i am only trying to remember what ive been told ) about 75-80% of yr max heart rate for prolonged , sustained periods .. ( ie 30+minutes ) yr max heart =i think ! 220- your age , so for example ..

    if your 40 , your max would be 180 so then u need to work out 80 % of that =144... now i dont know about you , but when i am in a high impact aerobics class . mine is nearer to 170 at times.. so find something that is med intensity , such as cycling ... fast walking , swimming etc ..

    it might help :)
  • joygwen
    joygwen Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've been at this for about a month consistently and I've lost 6lbs but it's been up and down. I took my measurements when I started this site (not quite a month ago) but I'm going to measure myself monthly. I just wish I could stop stepping on the scale daily. I have to keep reminding myself that even though the scale may not be moving, I'm making good choices and I need to keep at it.
  • barberella
    First of all, get off that scale aka death trap. That was the beginning to my problems. All it did was frustrate and ruin the beginning. i weighed myself daily, and would get so damn upset for the whole day if it betrayed me. Now, I weigh once a week, and don't worry..although I have my moments when I really, really want to. But I had my boyfriend hide it, and he will only let me once a week..every Friday.
    Second, I agree. Give it time. Let others view your diary to see what you're eating. I chose to eat frequently instead of 3 meals a day. Then I am less inclined to think about food, instead I view it as something to replenish my body and to keep it going.
    Thirdly, you ARE NOT destined to be a whale your whole life.
  • nessafly
    Hang in there! For 6 months I lost and gained the same darn 2 lbs every other month!! I had portion control and cashew nut issues! I also changed my workout & finally broke through!!! GOOD LUCK & Don't give up!!!
  • miseducation1327
    miseducation1327 Posts: 29 Member
    Check your may be eating a lower amount of calories but food filled with sugar, which still turns to fat. Try eating organic. A lot of processed food can not be digested by your body, therefore causing you to stay the same weight, if not gain.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    I hear your pain!! Sorry we are all going through this. Sounds cliche....but hang in there! I too have been at this since Jan 1. Watching calories like a hawk (getting OCD running to the computer to log what I eat), exercising at least 5 days a week.....and today at weigh-in...UP two pounds. Grrr!!!
    Everyone on here has been very supportive and saying the same things. We have abused our bodies for awhile and now they are adjusting to what we are expecting......but slower than you and I obviously would like.
    The posts you got were the same type of things I got when I sent out my cry for help. It makes a lot of sense and I am chosing to believe in what people say. Obviously it works, because their tickers seem to prove it.
    Just keep matter what you are better off before you started. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    My hubby is in the same boat, working out at the gym and not losing a pound. But looking at him you can see a major difference that the scale just doesn't reflect. I'd say either take measurements and/or take pics of yourself so you can physically see the difference.
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    Have you been eating your exercise calories? What is your daily calorie goal? I know this might sound crazy, but increasing your calorie goal for the day by 200-300 calories might actually help you start losing.

    If you have tough workouts and aren't eating those calories back, you'll definitely not be getting enough calories in! Give it a shot for a couple weeks, if you still dont see a change, then go back to your previous goal.
  • FlashBang
    FlashBang Posts: 136
    There is much wisdom in this thread. Two weeks is a very short time when you talking about changing the rest of your life. Patience. I did not really start with MFP so, I do not know what happened to me in the first two weeks. I do know when I started I exercised but ignored my diet and did not lose any weight for two months. Then I started logging I lost weight rapidly. It took my metabolism some time to recover from years of abuse. Make a decision now to be healthy. There is a learning curve that you must climb, you will figure it out, and we are all here to help you. Some of it is personal, what works for me may not work for you, but I guarantee you someone will point you in the right direction. What I think works for everyone is the numbers game, calories in and calories out, if there is a healthy deficit you will loose weight!