
marrtini Posts: 75
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Help me I am sooooo stressed, that I am losing motivation and I think I am even gaining some of my weight back. I lost 15lbs before I found this site from a friend.

I am afraid I will lose it, if I can't find some way to stop stressing.
Maybe its just me, but its my baby's father. He has come in and out ofour lives so often and it hurts. Now he has chosen the pain of having to give up his 2 cats vs. seeing his daughter, he feels bad for having to give them up to a shelter, but not for NEVER seeing his daughter.

Any suggestions? Advice? Best ways to destress and not turn to my old habit of "food" for comfort?


  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    Fk him and his moggies concentrate on you n yr wee one
  • Listen my sister is the same boat with her son. I'll give the same advice i give her. Even though you hurt for your child and you might of had both parents. Your daughter will figure it out when she is old enough. I come from divorced parents and father who threw money at the situation and thought that child support was enough of him being "around". The only thing you can do is do what you feel is the very best for you and your daughter. Stop letting him dictate how you feel and stress you out. It's not healthly not only because your starting to gain... But for you mentally. It's a hard road and i'm sorry your on it. I give you single moms big props for what you do. I don't know if I could with my daughters. I hope this helps and you find a release for all your stress. (she took up road biking by the way to get rid of hers) Good luck to you and your daughter and she is so lucky to have a such a good mommy.
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    Don't you have a close friend or family member who will just listen to you..If he chooses to not see his daughter it is his loss. You have to move forward take care of yourself, and little girl of yours. You are what she has make that your focus. When I am stressing I turn to music, on my IPOD. I read a book, go for a walk, another good stress reliever is journaling. When you are really at your wits end, sit down with a notebook and write out all your thoughts, don't stop till you are totally drained. It works I did this myself in the past and worked me through deression. If you feel like you are going to eat just choose healthier things to eat. Don't keep junk food in your house, keep healthy things to eat because that is what you can reach for when you are stressing then the crap..Don't give in to stress..Take care!
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152

    I cant offer a solution but you will need to sort out the stress in your life - stress will cause you to retain water and will lead you as you know to comfort eating.

    I find that focusing on exercise will destress me - do you have the ability to exercise at home - even if it is just an exercise DVD or Wii Fit or something like that - so when you are feeling stressed out then so a quick work out - even look for something on you tube.

    Focus on doing this to improve you to improve your daughters life. I was at a motivation course several years ago and I was told that you have to look after yourself first and then you can focus on your daughter - imagine you are on a plane and the oxygen masks have just come down - you want to put your daughters on to save her but if you dont do yours then you cant do hers. Then look at the contact you have with her dad - are you always chasing him to come see her ? If so stop - yes your daughter would benefit from her father being in her life but not at the expense of making your life a misery.

    In the end look for things you can do at home to avoid the comfort eating - have some healthy snacks and things to do to keep you busy.

  • Thanks guys .. that was just the motivation and that was just the type of support I was looking for.
    You ROCK!
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