Shreddin' Eleven, Week Five

MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
This is a thread dedicated to Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. A group of us started the Shred on or around New Year's Day, and are keeping up on one another's progress through daily discussion, progress reports, support, encouragement, tips & advice.

Feel free to join the discussion if you've already started or may be thinking about beginning the 30 Day Shred. We're here to see each other through all three levels, no matter when we start or how long it takes!

Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD can be found at WalMart or Target for under $10, and can be digitally downloaded from for $4.99.

Happy Shreddin'! :)


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    This morning, I completed Day 9 Level 3 plus 30 minutes of power vinyasa yoga (Baron Baptiste DVD) "Abs Back and Bliss". Tomorrow brings the last of the first 30 days of the Shred for me. WOW! I've just about made it and didn't give up once!! So excited about posting before/after photos tomorrow after the workout.

    I've also planned my workouts for February... I aim to continue workout out every day, increasing the amount of cardio, and still sticking with the Shred, too. This is what I have come up with:

    M: run, bellydance
    T: 30 day shred level 1, yoga
    W: run, bellydance
    T: 30 day shred level 2, yoga
    F: kickboxing
    S: run, yoga meltdown
    S: 30 day shred level 3, yoga

    Yep, I'm going to start one of the bellydance DVDs on Monday... something new. :)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!! :)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
  • Marbar
    Marbar Posts: 15
    Okay, I am totally in with the 30 day shred. I started yesterday and I am on level one. How many days does it take to get to intermediate? i am also doing a bootcamp that I do 3 days a week. Every chance that I get I do a spin class..

    Starting weight 180
    Right now 175
    My goal weight 140

    I am also 5 8"
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Marbar: Welcome! They recommend 10 days per level and doing it every day. However, you can modify as you need to for your body and your other workouts. If you need more days on a certain level or if you don't want to do it every day, it's however you'd like to use it! Best wishes! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sooooo ... Day 10 Level 3 ... complete!!!! YEAH! One more mini-goal checked off the list. Tomorrow starts my new workout schedule, which still includes the Shred, each of the levels once per week. Before/after photos to follow, later today!!

    Happy Sunday, and keep shreddin'! :-D
  • I'm in! Its my Day 2 and today I mixed longer Jumping Rope

    SW: 161 lb
    CW: 158 lb
    GW:120 lb

    Goodluck to all of us! :D
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    OFFICIALLY DONE with the first 30 days! And although I didn't lose 20lbs or even crazy amounts of inches, I am definitely stronger. Going to keep incorporating the shred here and there, esp my favorite level...level 2!!!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    cRiSCeL021: Welcome!! Great job so far!

    bk2011: CONGRATS!!!!! Same here, on the not much weight/inches lost, but overall feeling stronger. Best wishes!!

    ANNNND... here they are... my before/after photos, for what they're worth, lol:
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi all, okay this is my 29th day of shredathon. I am so excited cause I am one day away from my first mini goal of exercising each day with the shred for 30 days. I am actually on the 3rd day at level 3.

    Unfortunately my left elbow has decided that it does not want to cooperate anymore and is very weak during some of the positions so I have had to follow Anita for some of the movements. Bumming me out a bit because I don't really think the modified versions are very challenging.

    I am going to do one more day of level 3 tomorrow to meet my goal and then I believe I may have to rest my elbow a bit. I am considering doing more of a heavier cardio routine for 30 to 45 minutes each day with some strength training incorporated every other day using the shred dvd.

    Still going to post here since Mary is kind enough to keep the thread alive.

    mary your b&a's are great, thanks for sharing them. You really look wonderful!

    I have lost a total of 4 pounds since using this program. Not a tremendous weight loss but like others have said, I feel toned and defined and definetely stronger. Even my posture feels better. But most importantly I have proven to myself that I can do it, I can push myself and to me that is a victory.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Oh boy, I am feeling so yucky today! Yesterday I started with some cold symptoms and decided not to work out b/c today I had the personal trainer that kicks my behind. But today is freezing rain and I did not take chances driving to the gym. And my cold just got worse in afternoon... argh!! Well I am at L 2 D 8 yesterday, D9 today and D 10 tomorrow. BUt instead I will take a shower put my pj, drink some tea with honey and take some of my powerful brazilian stuff (propolis) and go to bed early. I think tomorrow is a snow day, so no school for me. Hopefully I will wake up feeling way better (I have a head cold, stuffy nose, eyes very sensitive to light, could have my sun glasses inside the house) and I will do D 8 and 9 plus 20 min of turbo jam. Argh!!

    Chandra love you pictures!!!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    I hit my first mini goal today, 30 days of 30 day shred in a row! YEAH!

    I will be taking a mini break from this dvd to rest this griping elbow of mine but I am still going to continue to workout focusing more on cardio and ab work that doesn't invole plank position or push ups right now.

    May check out exercise TV and see what I can get myself into.

    Thanks for supporting me these last 30 days, you guys are awesome!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    sgreene -- CONGRATS!!!!! on hitting your first mini goal! Well done!! You deserve a big pat on the back! I hope your elbow feels better very soon, and best wishes on your continued success. I'm happy that you'll be back to keep in touch, as this thread really has been a huge help in keeping the motivation flowing! Thank you for the compliment on the photos. I personally did not see a huge difference in the photos, but boy can I FEEL the difference, and I suppose that's all that really matters. I'll be upping the cardio myself this month, too.

    Juliana -- I hope you feel better very soon!! Being sick is no fun!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Yesterday, I completed my first attempt at bellydance (with my basic bellydance DVD) in the morning, and a 20 minute run on the treadmill in the evening.

    This morning, I revisited 30DS Level 1. I will be doing some yoga this evening. Hoping to get home from work before the snow starts up again... who knows how much snow we'll get overnight here in Indiana... I'm hoping for a day off work tomorrow! L0L.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Yesterday, I completed my first attempt at bellydance (with my basic bellydance DVD) in the morning, and a 20 minute run on the treadmill in the evening.

    This morning, I revisited 30DS Level 1. I will be doing some yoga this evening. Hoping to get home from work before the snow starts up again... who knows how much snow we'll get overnight here in Indiana... I'm hoping for a day off work tomorrow! L0L.

    Hey I was wondering how was the bellydance exercise. How hard is it??
    Well, here in kansas they were expecting up to 18 inches, and schools and several different places are out today. The snow is blowing pretty bad tough. Hope we dont have any outages. Aparently we are not going to get as much as expected, uf! But still I am sick of snow!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    The bellydance exercise was pretty fun. I have the Discover Bellydance: Basic Dance that I'm working with right now. I felt a little awkward and uncoordinated, but I think with practice, I could really grow to love bellydance. I have two follow-up DVDs, too (Beyond Basic and Mystic Dance) that I'm hoping to be able to work my way up to. I am really sick of snow too; however, with the blizzard-like conditions we're getting all night tonight, it's highly unlikely that I'll have to go to work tomorrow. If I do end up with the day off, I plan to exercise as much as possible. Including the yoga I was supposed to do today and didn't get to. Stay safe and warm!! :)
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Still feeling like poop here!! And the snow still blowing.... yuck!! So I did not exercise today... I feel awful and so guilty... : (( Last time I exercise was Saturday! I really need to go back on track. I will push myself tomorrow!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I did it!! Finally today I was feeling better and was able to exercise!! I did shred plus turbo jam!! I am feeling so much better!! I will try to do another shred today and I will post later if I do!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Juliana -- AWESOME!! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Great job on the workouts!

    I've been sticking fairly well to my February plan so far. Tuesday, I skipped the yoga, but I made up for it (and then some!) yesterday, since I had a snow day from work. Yesterday's workout was this: 30 minute run on the treadmill, 40 minutes of bellydance, 30 minutes of yoga, house cleaning and a bit of playing around on the Wii Fit Plus. I ended up burning a little over 900 calories yesterday!

    This morning's workout consisted of Level 2 of the Shred + a little bit of yoga. Planning a little more yoga for this evening. My weigh in was this morning, too. 3.1 pounds GONE!! YES!!! :-D Finally under 165!!

    And so, my plan continues... kickboxing workout tomorrow morning. :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Just completed a kickboxing workout on ExerciseTV's website. One of their free full length ones. 20 minutes. This is the link: I think that's our Natalie from the Shred! :)
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