Rest Days

Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wanting to know.....
1. who all has rest days (days without working out)
2. how many rest days in a week
3. Do you do no workout or light workouts on your rest days
4. Is your rest days set on a set day ( ex: sundays off)

and if you dont have rest days how does that work for you???

I'm asking b/c last week I went like 13 days straight with no day off from working out and gain .2 I know muscle weighs more than fat....but I was wondering if I should have atleast 1 rest day a week. any input would be great~!


  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    I dont have rest days - but a alternate between cardio and strength days.

    If I am feeling a little off I will still do my exercise time but at a lower impact level.
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    First off, your weeks are weird. Mine only have 7 days. ;-)

    I don't exercise on Sundays, usually. The exception would be when I was bad during the week and have to make up for it.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I end to have a rest day when I feel I need to.
    Today has been mine as I ended up having to abandon a workout last night due to being tired.
    Usually I see how my body feels.

    If I have a total day off I'll do no exercise but sometimes have a day when I do less but still do some.
    No set days.
    I don't think that answer is helpful, is it? LOL

  • I always try and take Sundays off. Your body needs some downtime from what I have read and understand.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I believe your body has to rest. I'm not going to lie to you, I workout about five days out of the week and on my ret days I feel like I want to workout, and I force myself not to. If my body feels sore I switch up my days off, but I always end up workingout five days for one hour and sometimes just for half an hour, depends how much time I have off
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member gives me a set amount of minutes to workout a week and a set amount of calories to burn. I try to follow that. And that gives me at least 3 days off. I am losing weight steady with that and watching my calories. You never want to over do it but you also want to stay in good shape. If you are someone who always has worked out then do what is right for you. I used to work out all the time but in the last 10 years have gotten lazy. I need to get back in the grove slowly.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I aim for 6 days of continuous workout (50 minutes high-impact cardio and strength training) and rest on Sunday. I've done well this week and lost 4 lbs... today I felt 'off' so I only worked out for 30 minutes. I agree w/the poster who said they do the same if they are not feeling up to speed. I will take tomorrow off but will most definitely continue my eating plan of around 1000 cals.

    I think you're body does need recuperation time... if you're body is too tired- listen to it. It's good to push yourself.. but if you are feeling overwhelmed and just lethargic - it's time to stop and rest. Try again the next day. Make sure you take plenty of vitamins. My sister told me that taking Vit. C after a workout helps to repair muscle fibers post workout. Good luck and you can do this!!
  • The weight gain could be your body attempting to recover without actually having the opportunity. I take 1-2 days off a week. One being NO workouts or light walking (which for me hardly counts lol)
    The recovery time is really important for your muscles to flush the lactic acid and get over the slump of soreness. Not saying you need to take a bunch of day of in a row. But I usually have a week day off and a weekend day off. :-D BUT if not the week day, then definitely SUNDAY.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I say that I am going to take 1 day off and I still end up working out ... I started January 16th and I have worked out every single day since ... I worked out this morning already but looking at the clock to see if I should work out again now or wait a little bit later.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I usually rest on Sundays - I find by the end of the week it gets harder to go at the workouts with the same intensity and I think its because I'm getting tired. Mondays I feel refreshed & never achy.

    This is just a personal beef: a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. They are both a pound. The effect & usefulness to the body is different. I would rather have 10 lbs of muscle than 10 lbs of fat. And often times people will have much more fat than muscle.
  • lemanda
    lemanda Posts: 116 Member
    Your body NEEDS to rest so your muscles can rebuild themselves more effectively. When you rest, your body has time to rebuild that lean muscle, which will help you burn fat faster.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I get too antsy feeling on "days off" and end up having to do SOMETHING or I'm too fidgety. Even if that something is taking the dog for a very long walk. Or completely rearranging a room. Or repainting it.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, so I get 2-3 rest days with no exercise other than grocery shopping, playing with my kids, etc. Because of our schedules during the week I try to get to the gym Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and Wednesday when I can.
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    I used to give myself rest days, but I felt like I had more rest than work. So now I do some every day. I'm also doing 30 Day Shred so keeps me going every day. Lately I've been doing 30DS in the morning, and then some cardio at they gym in the evening. Today I'm skipping they gym since it will be closed by the time I get off work.

    Personally, I have found that when my body is sore, it loosens up after some stretching and exercise. If I just lounge around the house, I can be tense for days. I get plenty of sleep (about 8 hours a night) and eat protein to aid with the healing process. Don't forget to drink you water!

    Anyway, that's what I do. It very well could be different for other people.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I take a rest day from the weights. No set day but usually on the weekend because that's when I have less free time, and the gym can get more crowded. Though, I have kids and a lot of energy, so I still may go to the park and run around with them. Or I might do a yoga video that I like. I know yoga is a "workout" but I like the stretching.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have complete rest days when I feel I need one, but don't have a designated rest day once a week. I train between 45-90 mins most days.

    I sometimes take partial rest days where I just do a bit of core strength, some pilates, yoga or just a long walk. I make sure I don't run on consecutive days, due to mechanical issues, and I take it in turns between cardio and strength sessions, but that's pretty much the only thing I watch out for.
  • My goal is six workouts a week, but I mix up my rest days and the number of hours between workouts. I may do a morning workout one day, afternoon the next. I do not rest the same day each week and I never rest two days in a row (too easy for me to get into excuse mode and not workout for a week). Every other week I ramp up and do two workouts in a single day (yoga and a body sculpting class). I always rest the day after this 2-on-1. And I generally rest on Sundays because my gym does not have childcare or group classes on that day, but sometimes we go on a family bike ride or play in the park.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I often double up i.e. train twice a day, so I consider it "rest" to have an evening off followed by an immediate morning off.
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Your body NEEDS to rest so your muscles can rebuild themselves more effectively. When you rest, your body has time to rebuild that lean muscle, which will help you burn fat faster.

    Ditto... Also my MFP programme is suitable for me running 3 times week...just added Zumba one evening a week plus run/jog Satsurdays...I don't do anything on Sundays and Thursdays.
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