

I'm Kt, I'm 28 & from Manchester in the UK and was suggested this site by a friend (Hi Carol!). I live with my partner Gary, 2 dogs (Gadget and Belle), 1 cat (Garfield and currently 3 puppies (Louis, Ursa & Pinky).

Anyway I've spent most of my life dieting on and off, succeeding a few time but most of the time not. I have health issues the most weight effecting one being an under active thyroid condition (on quite a high dosage of thyroxine for my age), I was diagonased at 20. So I suffer from bouts of exhaustion and generally having only enough energy to get me through 8 hour work day!.

I am not an exercise fan, though I do enjoy using the Wii Fit + and playing Just Dance and Just Dance 2. Recently tried Zumba, but dont think its for me as I feel waaaaaaaay to self concious and it was too much like aerobics for me to enjoy. Would like to maybe join a gym or start swimming again, but just do not have the money for it.

Though I don't really over eat, do have binge eating moments. Also having major choco-holic & junk food issues at present!


  • promiseskept
    You sound like me!!
    I too have resorted to the wii fit for all the reasons you stated. I am fairly new at this, but let me say, I am grateful you are starting now, so you can know what I did not know at 28 and am now figuring out at 46!
    Good Luck, oh and the wii is in the excercise notes and it can be quite a workout when you advance!
    Enjoy the new and healthier you!