
mitziehtrd Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I'm just getting started and hope to reach my goal within at least 6 months, maybe a year. I've lost before but have gained it back. So I know I can do it.


  • kidisaster
    kidisaster Posts: 1 Member
    I too lost about 30 pounds and put it all back on. i no longer use the word "diet" instead I use "lifestyle change". I too know i can lose the weight but once I was off my "diet" you know the rest. For the past 9 months i have been working out with a personal trainer (3 days a week). I needed this because of my lack of discipline and accountability. Not only have i lost the weight I'm also reduce my body fat by 9%. in April I plan to stop using the pt and going it on my own. He has given me the tools to be successful and i know for a fact i won't back slide. I give myself a cheat day (Saturdays) where i can indulge in my weaknesses being ice cream. Not everyone needs a personal trainer but if you ever find yourself back sliding it's worth the investment. Good Luck!
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I've had a PT before and ..... well, let's just say i'm a little hardheaded. Right now my biggest problem is I get bored pretty easily and that's when I JUST can't stop eating. Thank goodness this only happens on weekends now. :| I'm trying really hard to eat only fresh healthy things like baby carrots and fresh fruit but that can get expensive.
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