Need some support...

:frown: So, I'm back on MFP after falling off the wagon for quite a while. Up about 12 pounds and have been doing pretty poorly with eating and exercising. My excuse is that I'm in nursing school and just got done with 6 weeks of a brutal clinical schedule. I couldn't schedule myself properly to take time to take care of myself. Partly lack of time, but also partly lack of willingness...

Anyway, I started again yesterday with a renewed motivation...

Today, I sheepishly walked back into the gym and to my Bodypump class. Mind you, it had been a, a long while...

It was awful! It really kicked my butt and I could feel how much the time off had effected me...:sick: I felt sick and wanted to quit a million times. And right now, I don't want to go back...:cry:

Anyone have some inspiring words to help me lift myself up?


  • erin1205
    erin1205 Posts: 99
    :frown: So, I'm back on MFP after falling off the wagon for quite a while. Up about 12 pounds and have been doing pretty poorly with eating and exercising. My excuse is that I'm in nursing school and just got done with 6 weeks of a brutal clinical schedule. I couldn't schedule myself properly to take time to take care of myself. Partly lack of time, but also partly lack of willingness...

    Anyway, I started again yesterday with a renewed motivation...

    Today, I sheepishly walked back into the gym and to my Bodypump class. Mind you, it had been a, a long while...

    It was awful! It really kicked my butt and I could feel how much the time off had effected me...:sick: I felt sick and wanted to quit a million times. And right now, I don't want to go back...:cry:

    Anyone have some inspiring words to help me lift myself up?
  • wildkitty505
    wildkitty505 Posts: 222 Member
    Don't give up !! :smile: We all have ups and downs. You're sore today (it'll be worse tomorrow) but if you go in and work out again you'll prove to yourself that you can do it and before you know it you'll be back to where you were before you went off track!

    Everytime I work through the soreness I'm extra proud of myself when it's over! :laugh:
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :happy: You should be so totally proud of yourself for going back to your excercise class, kuddos for you! Whatever you do don't go back to the mind set of giving up :angry: because you are tougher than that! Just know that you have us here cheering you on and proud of your success to going back to excercise class!:flowerforyou:
  • erin1205
    erin1205 Posts: 99
    Thank you wildkitty and harleygal :flowerforyou: I really appreciate the awesome supportive words. I felt so deflated when I got home and down on myself-but I knew that some fellow MFPers could help pick me up!! :heart:
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    Its not easy starting an exercise routine all over.. Great job for taking that 1st step again! Now that you have got that over with you can go again.

    Great Job!!!!!!
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    you are so strong to go back and start over. It's so hard to get your mind back in focus, but you did it! good for you:smile: You can do it just keep on going day by day.:bigsmile:
  • erin1205
    erin1205 Posts: 99
    BreaNix and tamrajd-thank you both! Your words give me just the "oomph" I need! happy093.gif
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    You already did what you need to do--you're back, and that's all that really matters. It doesn't matter how many times you fall off the wagon, just keep on trying and starting over how ever many times it takes. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Valjas_
    Valjas_ Posts: 29 Member
    Well if this helps let me say that 3 years ago I got myself down from 280's to 219lbs. I am supposed to weigh somewhere around 202lbs. so you can see how close I was. Then I went through some troubles in my life and fell away from the gym. I kept my weight to around 240 but during this last year I got back up to the 280's (285 was my heaviest). I started back about a month ago and have made a lot of progress.

    The point is I know how tough it is to start back especially after losing all progress. I ended back at the same gym and so I see a few guys who used to be out of shape and now they are lean and fit (keep in mind 3 years have passed). But truthfully, a lot of the people who were going back then have quit or go after different times.

    We all fall off and it is okay. My advice would be that if initially your "BodyBump" class is too much that you start lighter with some standard light cardio. And then when you feel up to it jump back in. Really 2 weeks of a lighter workload should get you back to the point where you can start picking the pieces back up.