Motivation is starting to drain this petite one....

shananigins16 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hi there,

My name is Shannon and I've been a member of MFP for about 3 weeks now. I had been doing really well with my exercise and eating right until the past week.

My knees have started to bother me from running (I really should switch to another form of hard cardio until I strengthen my "running muscles" more). Work has also been quite stressful and the past two Fridays I have resorted to fast food for lunch and then botched my dinner those same nights eating out.

I'm only 5'1 and I have always known what I need to do an how I should do it. It's my motivation that is the challenge. I start to feel the changes and then start to give in easier to cravings. I'm quite active but being so little, just 5lbs can make a huge difference to my frame.

Is there anyone out there that can offer advice or help?


  • I can't give you ant quick fixes or answers, but know that I struggle some days with motivation as well. Work is always stressful for me and I botch the eating thing more often than not!! However, you need to keep your chin up and keep going ... baby steps... One day at a time... I know that I do better on the weekends doing some form of exercise because I am not working so many hours. Fins something positive you've done and dwell on it the next time that self doubting voice starts!!! We can do this!!!!! Best wishes!!!!
  • I completely understand about the 5lbs making a difference. I'm 5'3" and it seems every lb (gained or lost) makes a huge difference on my frame. I have a 3 year old boy at home who needs to eat constantly (oh, the junk food in my house!). I try not to give into temptation but every once in a while his Halloween or Christmas candy leftovers call to me. When this happens I stop and think if there is anything else that will help. If not, I eat eat some. Afterwards I remind myself that food not only keeps us alive it tastes good too! I let myself indulge every once in a while and it keeps me on track.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Hi Shannon. A great way to boost those 'running muscles' is by doing lunges. You can do them with our without weights. I usually do 20 or so per leg before a sprint or hill climb. I do 130lb weighted lunges once a week. My knees and ankles are rock solid, and this is from a guy who suffered a knee dislocation. Any way, give them a try if you want (they work the glutes too).

    Too the motivation... there are a lot of big scary dogs in my neighborhood, they motivate the heck out of me!
    You can do it girl!
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    I've had the same issue as of late with running. I've switched over to doing a lot more elliptical training instead of running to help ease the impact on my knees. The exercise doesn't quite feel as gratifying as running but you accomplish close to the same calorie burn.

    Try that for a few weeks and get back to running, take it slow though and it may be best just to include the elliptical in your normal exercise even afterwards.
  • Well, since you said that motivation and sticking to what you know should do are the big obstacles for you, have you spent some time meditating on why you went off plan both of those Fridays? Not judging, not berating, but simply getting introspective and thinking about why things didn’t go the way you wanted them to two Fridays in a row.

    Some places to start (maybe)…

    What was happening emotionally? Did you make good choices when you bought fast food, or did you merely indulge yourself because in your mind you’d already "screwed up"? What could you have anticipated differently to set yourself up for success on those days? How forgiving were you of yourself for having an imperfect day? Did you punish yourself by not just blowing it a little, but blowing it a lot? Does one imperfect meal mean you cave for the whole day? The whole week?

    Because, yeah, I’m 5’3” and know how easy it is to suddenly find yourself struggling to pull up your pants because you stress ate for a few days in a row. I have been there very many times. But right now, as much as I’m working on my body, I’m also having to do as much work with my mind. To understand the attitudes I have about my body, my own worth, and deep seated beliefs I have that can sabotage me if I spend to much time listening to them. I’m not saying that my issues are yours, but I doubt any of us would be here if our relationship with our bodies and food were excellent.
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