such a thing as too much exercise?

paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay so I was on the elliptical this morning for an hour straight, then later in the morning I did an hour straight on the stationary bike. And now I'm waiting for my wife to get home from work so we can get in our night workout which means probably another hour for me on the bike or elliptical... I just want to check with all the experts here... that isn't too much in one day is it?

I'm at 254 and I wanna get down to 164... I'm guessing it's okay as long as I eat all my exercise calories I lose right? or wrong?



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    The main downside is that if you do a whole lot of cardio, you will start to burn muscle in addition to fat. Depending on goals, that can be an ok compromise. Just something to be aware of.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Yeah you dont want to do toomuch and exhaust your muscles! make sure you are getting plenty of carbs today so you dont risk breaking down muscle. That happened to me. I would say that is a little too much tho :o no need for more tham 1 hour a day really
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    are you taking some rest days? That's very important to let your body recover. Watch you don't over train, it happened to me and I just really really tired and ended up having to take a break for a while --- might have been better off doing less daily as I would have kept it up. I didn't believe in rest days and that had was a mistake too. After "burning out" I didn't have the energy to work out and ended up gaining 20 pounds. This time, I'm limiting my work out time to no more than 2 hours a day AND I force myself to take rest days.............weight is down and I have tons of energy and no injuries either :)
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    hmm well what your doing now is long as it doesn't become an everyday thing for the next 6-8 weeks. then you will get over training and thats bad! just balance it out with more weight training for the second hour of exercising rather than cardio all through cos eventually your body will start to eat up your "lean" muscle instead of fat.

    As for the Calories..i would say keep it at 1900 - 2000 at all times...dont worry about eating exercise calories just yet. when you plateau then look for different alternatives like eating more...changing workouts etc...

    Luckily for us men, we shed the pounds much quicker and easier so if you keep what your doing and EAT WELL then you will be at your goal in no time.

    PS: EATING WELL means: NO fast foods, Processed foods, and more Natural foods: fruits, veggies LEAN protein, Whole wheat everything . brown rice , nuts and so on..

    if you dont eat well, all that exercise is in vain....i think of it as punishment . so Diet is KEY! good luck with everything.

  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    According to my Personal Trainer at the gym you should only do 50 mintues of cardio 5 times a week. You should also do 30 mintues to 1 hour of other exercising 5 to 6 days a week. Core exercises 5 days a week are a MUST. Over exercising will make you lose muscle and your body will not respond.

    Hope this info is helpful to you.
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    Over training is extremely hard to do for some people, most people have been told they're overtraining by their 24 hr fitness PT, and well...they don't know half of what they wish they did in most cases. It's a case by case scenario. If you're feeling burnt out and worn down, relax a bit, if you're feeling great, hell keep it up. Why so much cardio and no weight training? (Please God don't say because you don't want to "bulk" up, that too is something the 24 hr pt's like to tell people, it takes years to build muscle, and weight training has been proven time and time again to provide great results in weight loss). Just monitor yourself, if you're in it to lose weight, and don't care about muscle/definition, cardio your heart out, just make sure you know when to stop if your body starts breaking down and you start getting sick all the time. There are way too many factors to toss in to the fire for anyone here, expert or not, to say whether or not you're doing too much. If you're really worried, find someone with an ISSA, CSCS and if you wanna get real serious, try to find a Master of Fitness Science. Let them assess you and your fitness levels and listen to their advice.
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