An E-Trainer/Nutritionist, perhaps?

ajt1217 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
First off, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post and if it is, I truly apologize. But I kind of see it as here goes!

Lately I've been feeling really confused about the right way to lose all of this weight as quickly as possible. I've read all the posts about how the site works and the recommended posts, but maybe I'm just too conditioned to think that it can't possibly work for me. I started here earlier this month and NOTHING was working...I ate my calories every day and exercises, but saw no progress. In the last few days, I've tried varying my intake and noticed a bit of a change. But now I fear that I'm doing myself long term harm for not eating back exercise calories, eating in the 'danger' zone, etc. I'm really frustrated and I know I'm near the point of quitting again.

When I got the Wii Fit for Christmas 2009, I believe I weighed in at 317. By about April 2010 I was down into the 280's from counting calories and light exercise on the Wii (I'm assuming...I kept a calorie diary, but I fear all the time that I under/over estimate my intake and calories burned). After April, the losses stopped and I've been hovering between 283 and 288 since then.

I was hoping to maybe find an "online trainer" of sorts - someone experienced who's been through this and wouldn't mind maybe acting as a personal trainer. You know, helping with deciding what to eat/when, how to exercise, how long...

Every day I think of how much easier it would be if I just had the money to pay a trainer and a cook to tell me what to do/eat and when, but unfortunately that's not in the cards for me. Maybe someone out there has the time to help out, at least for a little while, until I feel confident enough that I know what I'm doing?

Besides, I'd like to meet more people on here and share/support anyone and everyone who needs it, too. I'm a friendly person, just a little shy, confused, and bummed.

Thanks for listening!


  • Hi-
    I am actually a Nutritionist. What did you have in mind? My website is

  • ajt1217
    ajt1217 Posts: 9 Member
    I just feel like what I'm doing isn't working. It'd be great to have someone just hand me a menu (even better, the actual meal! haha, if only I were rich enough for that...) and tell me what I need to do in terms of exercise to finally succeed at getting thin and healthy.

    I'd just like to find out what will work for me. The stuff about eating back exercise calories and going into a starvation made does AND doesn't make sense to me. I'm afraid I'm not doing enough OR I'm doing myself harm by going too drastic.

    So, in short, I'm just completely confused... =\
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