Hello and Hello!

New to this, sort of... although I have 'hit' my 10 day mark!
Like the site, like the tracking, don't like that I've not been exercising-- but then I've been sick, and sleeping (perhaps overly so).

I am a 40-something mother of four, wife to one, and dedicated Realtor in Jacksonville. Busy, but doing what I love. Enjoying the weight loss so far, but wishing it would be a) easier and b) faster...

And, that's where I will leave it, for today!


  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    If it was easier and faster it wouldn't be worth it...
    Take the time and learn the tools to do it right and keep it off.
    I didn't exercise for the first couple of weeks, getting used to tracking and portioning was hard enough.
    Now I feel like I have to track everything, it is an addiction! :) But hopefully a good done.
    Good luck and Welcome!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm a 40 something mother of 4 as well. Been on here for about 3 weeks and have lost 5 pounds. Mostly more aware of what I am eating. If you want to friend me we can help keep each other accountable.
  • savvynurse
    Just remember we didn't get this big over night... we aren't gonna get skinny over night.... Time and patience
