Calling All Zumba Instructors!!

iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey friends - there is so much chatter going on about Zumba lately, and I know several instructos of mfp already. Why don't we start our own group!?

If you are a zumba instructor, join in the thread. Tells us a little about yourself, and how you came to be an instructor, which types of Zumba you are certified for. Are you on ZIN? This could be a great resource for us in addition to the Zumba network, and can be a good forum for those instructors who are not in ZIN.

I am Emily, mom of 1 year old twins. I started Zumba back in 2007 and became immediately addicted. It helped me get fit for my wedding, and now it is helping me lose my twin belly. I became a Zumba basic instructor in October of last year and I LOVE it. I currently teach 3-5 times per week (depending on the week) and some of my favorite songs are El bombon asesino and la batidora!

Lets band together and create some friendships!


  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Maybe some of you Zumba instructors could help us regular folks out. I have tried to learn it from my Wii, and I have to is very difficult to learn it. Do you have any suggestions for us, to learn it? Thanks in advance.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Well, patience is key. But to be honest with you, trying out an actual class might help because having an instructor to break down the move for you might be all you need. I understand that classes aren't available to everyone, so my best advice would be to keep practicing. It takes several tries to get most of the steps but once you have the basics down it becomes addicting and fun!
  • Hello Emily,

    I'm Lexy. I have two children a daughter age 16 and a son age 2. I started Zumba in October 2009 to help loose weight I gained when I broke my ankle on Memorial day 2009. Like you I was hooked from the first class. I was however, two left feet and all thumbs and spent the next 6 months laughing at myself. My body just didn't move the way everyone else's did.

    I got my Basic 1 certification in July 2010 and have been teaching 5 classes per week with a few pick up(sub) classes from time to time. I received my Toning certification in October 2010, although I am not currently teaching any toning classes. I am a ZIN member. My favorite song is Quiere Mas by Angel Y Khris that I happened upon on you tube.

    I've lost 35 lbs so far with Zumba, 10 more to go!


  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yay Lexy! I am glad to have another instructor on this thread. I know there are more out there, so I hope they will join in too! I would love to get some more certifications soon!
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    Oh this is great! Thanks for the invite chica!

    I'm Dawn - 41 years old, mom of 3. My daughter is 14 and she is totally addicted to Zumba as well. She helps me teach and quite frankly does a LOT of my choreo!

    I'd like to say I did Zumba once and fell in love, but I didn't. I was actually a Turbo Jam fanatic that went on to become TurboKick certified when Zumba came along. I kept losing classes to Zumba as it gained in popularity, so I tried it. Was not impressed. :grumble: I now know why ... it was not "true" Zumba.

    A friend of mine convinced me to try her class a year or so later and THEN I was hooked! I've been teaching since November 2009 and it's just insane! Hooked up with a group of local instructors who are now like family to me and we formed a team ... teaching 7 days per week across three cities.

    My weight is up and down - has been ever since my 3rd was born. I know food (sugar in particular) is an issue, so I'm hoping I can tackle this problem once and for all! Need to drop 30 pounds in 155 days ... anyone else going to convention this year??
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    isn't it insane just how many classes are out there that CALL themselves "Zumba" but are NOTHING like Zumba?! There is a teacher that I have taken from that really gives people the wrong idea about what Zumba is, and it hurts the Zumba name!
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    OK - so I just had to share this story from one of my regular students.
    Tried new exercise class lastnite *red flag it was free* right b4 class started, the instructor called us out ,She pretty much said but not n these words.."Dat we were not n gud enough shape 2 do her class" & advised us 2 sit it out! Wat "instructor" discourages u bcuz u may look out of shape?? Yall know we showed her,ended up doin 2"wack" classes.. 2 hrs long! Never again!

    Now let me tell you ... this is EXACTLY why I'm an instructor. I had something very similar happen to me, so I personally make it my goal to make sure EVERYONE feels welcome and capable in my class. This young lady may be overweight, but let me tell you, she can keep up with the best of them and is always ready for more! Not to mention she has a fabulous attitude and energy about her. This other instructor does not know what she's missing ... but she doesn't deserve the priviledge of having this young lady in her class!

    Just wanted to vent about it ... no doubt you all are just as appalled as I am! Maybe the other instructor has never had to struggle with her weight and fitness goals, but this was unacceptable for a fitness professional!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    What do you instructors think of the zumba videos that are advertised on tv so much? I cannot get out and go to classes so this is my only option. Is this "true" zumba?
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    The videos definitely offer you the Zumba experience. If you can't get into a class, they will definitely help you lose some weight too.

    The reason I am so 'for' the classes is because they provide an extra element of fellowship and gives that 'party' like atmosphere that keeps you coming back. I fear I wouldn't get the same energy burst from doing it at home, but I still think they are very effective!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Thank you so much for your input! I wish I could experience that!! Until my kids are older and I'm not doing daycare in my home, I stuck with the videos. :) Better than nothing - LOL.
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    I am SO proud of my peeps! I just have to brag on them for a minute .... we had a newscrew come out last month and film our class and they were total PROS! Check this out!,0,4637199.story
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    That video was awesome! I wish our classes were that big, but then again you live in a much more densely populated area of NC than I do. I am from Lexington, so next time I am home visiting my folks maybe I will swing by your class!!
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    That video was awesome! I wish our classes were that big, but then again you live in a much more densely populated area of NC than I do. I am from Lexington, so next time I am home visiting my folks maybe I will swing by your class!!

    Please do! I don't know why it's so crazy lately, but I'm sure it won't last forever! Enjoying it while it does ...
  • thats amazing good job!! i love zumba is a blast
  • I'd love to join this group! I've been an instructor for more than two years, teach 11 classes a week, with my oldest daughter.
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    hey all! I'm Heather, 28 years old, living in Central CT. I've been licensed as a ZIN since July 2010 - have B1, B2, Zumbatomic and am going for Toning in March. I tried ZUMBA when I was student teaching, needed to lose weight (topped 275 lbs at that point) hooked immediately! It helped that I had an awesome instructor who became my mentor. I team teach with another instructor 4 days a week, have 1 class on my own through a racquet club, and am starting a class for my staff at work in a few weeks. ZUMBA is my passion - I eat, sleep & breathe it. Went to convention last year, am booked to go again this year (registration hasn't opened yet don't worry!) I'd definitely love to be in on this group!
  • I'm Lori and have been teaching Zumba since 2008. I started with Gold, then added Basic, Aqua, Zumbatomic, and Toning. I started this adventure when the health and wellness director advertised ZumbaGold. I've never liked taking classes, but thought I could do that. LOVED IT! Within 3 months I was Gold licensed.

    Now I teach Gold one day a week, Zumbatomic twice a week, Gold-Toning three times a week, and Aqua six tiems a week. The specialties are awesome!

    I'm on the SC coast and we ALWAYS have something going on! This March we're having our 2nd "Blowout at the Beach."
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm glad to see there are people still finding this thread! It could be come a great resource, not to mention it's always fun to have friends who are into the same things as you!
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