Your Best Diet/Exercise Advice



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My best advice: Stop making excuses and JFDI. :devil:
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Everyone has posted so many wonderful suggestions to implement if you have not already done so. I would also increase your fiber (from food/not supplements) and also decrease your sodium to 1500. And of course DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Log your food and exercise for the day in the morning. That way you can balance out your calories and you feel compelled to do the exercise you said you'd do.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Do not get overhwelmed by what you want to accomplish... give yourself mini goals to achieve with a reward built in. Choose a goal this is realistic and achievable. I have broken my goal into 5 lb increments. So losing 60 pounds should take me one year. I have also broken down the month into weeks. So my goal is to lose 1lb a week. Anything over that is a bonus.
    Don't make changes that you can not maintain, this is a jouney, not a destination.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    Just 2

    Drink all your water every day
    Log everything you eat every day, even if you are over.
    You know what your calorie needs are - they are right in front of you when you are logging.
  • blondie1238
    I love how successful this thread was! Thanks for sharing this! I learned some tips, and I hope other people did as well! Maybe we can still get a few more tips as well... hint hint :wink: Thanks again!
  • DoubleO7
    Everything in moderation! Live a balanced life. (Still struggle with this, but I think it's KEY.)

    Don't deny yourself what you truly love - just make room for it by controlling portions and frequency. Don't kid yourself by thinking you will NEVER eat "insert food here" again. That's a recipe for failure.

    Do not treat any food as "bad" - that gives it power over you.

    Above all, take responsibility for the work you must put in, and be accountable for the decisions you make.
    Responsibility = Control = Power
    Empower yourself.
  • DoubleO7
    Totally agree 100% on this....- Eat healthy 80% of the time, 20% on some deviation. Life is to short to struggle or stress over FOOD..
    Nourish ~ Believe ~ Achieve :)

    Everything in moderation! Live a balanced life. (Still struggle with this, but I think it's KEY.)

    Don't deny yourself what you truly love - just make room for it by controlling portions and frequency. Don't kid yourself by thinking you will NEVER eat "insert food here" again. That's a recipe for failure.

    Do not treat any food as "bad" - that gives it power over you.

    Above all, take responsibility for the work you must put in, and be accountable for the decisions you make.
    Responsibility = Control = Power
    Empower yourself.
  • DoubleO7
    totally skinnymom, no sugars! you dont need them!

    Actually, you do when you're involved in an endurance sport. And you also need salts.

    Yes, your body needs some sugars, but only in moderation... Complex Carbs, fruits and veggies is FUEL for your body.
  • blondie1238
    Question about sugars... I know to avoid them, but what is everyones take on greek yogurt?? Everything I read, everyone raves about how good they are because of the protein content, but them seem to be high in sugar... ??
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Log your food and exercise for the day in the morning. That way you can balance out your calories and you feel compelled to do the exercise you said you'd do.

    I log everything the night before. I know what exercise I'm planning on doing first thing in the morning and my meals for the day are already planned. This helps keep me on the right track.

    Pack a COOLER, lunchbox, whatever. With this planning what I'm eating I carry it with me. There is no temptation to go grab a muffin, when I know I got an apple and a hard boiled egg with me. I will eat that then go for coffee with the guys at work. They can have their muffins, croissants and danishes. I will have my peppermint tea.