Receipes with no yeast, sugar, dairy, potato's, vinegar, or

jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
I just recently go food allergy tested and can't have yeast, sugar, corn or white potato's for a very long time! AHH And I can't have vinegar or dairy for 2 weeks! If you have ANY receipes to help me out I would really appreciate it! This is a HUGE change and I am struggling with food ideas that aren't just plain meat, fruit and veggies! Thanks


  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    A friend of mine was on a similar diet for a while. Watch dried fruit, she got a reaction when I soaked dried fruit and put it in a cake, soaking it activates the yeasts that are naturally in it. Vinegar and yeast are in many many things so avoid all bottled sauces unless you read the labels very carefully.

    I will have a think about recipes, I haven't cooked yeast/vinegar/sugar/milk free for a number of years.
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for the advice and any receips you can think of would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    These are recipes I make for my family, I put them on a blog so I wouldn't lose them!

    Chicken rissotto:
    however you would have to make the stock from scratch or use water instead. (From memory the brandy could be a problem too - it works fine without it) The wild rice is what gives it the colour, if you can't get any just use all risotto rice.

    Lamb shanks: Again just replace the stock with water if you don't want to make your own. I know lamb isn't as easy to get in some places, stewing beef will work too. Traditionally this is served with couscous but I always served it with rice for my friend as wheat was out.

    Tuna pasta: Make sure the olives and capers are packed in brine, not vinegar and get the pasta from the health food aisle if the wheat pasta is a problem.
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you SO much! i will definately try these! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
  • Grace76
    Grace76 Posts: 34
    2 cups spinach leaves
    1/2 green bell pepper
    1/2 red bell pepper
    100 g cooked baby shrimp

    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 garlic gloves - crushed is best
    juice from 1 lemon.

    You can also put fruit in this too. Strawberries and pears are fantastic.
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow thanks I have all of that here at the house so I will do this tomorrow for lunch! Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!