Howdy y'all

Hello everyone. I'm brand new... just started logging info in today. I was thinking of doing weight watchers online and accidently found this site when I was looking for neutritional info for a frozen dinner (great value lean cafe). I decided that I'd try free first... i love free!!! I've been overweight as long as I can remember. I've done many diets and always hit a brick wall-- you know... the "its a special occation and i'll start up again right after" or the "i've lost 20-30 lbs and can't loose anymore no matter what i do" on and we can't forget the "i'm pregnant so... well i can't really diet and do with out now" So the kids are 6 and 4 and I feel like I'm starting to get some time that isn't consumed by their every breath anymore. Its time for some mommy time!!! i want to be pretty for my husband... I do NOT want to be that mom that's waving and blowing kisses and the red faced "that's not my mom" looking kid at school. SO... here I am. I know it will not be easy with the kids and everyone doing what they need to do, but so far my husband is behind me 110% and has even had salad for supper with me the last few nights. I'm excited and ready to make a change!!!

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • Nekol688
    Hi, welcome.
    I know exactly what ya mean about being overweight for as long as you can remember. I just started using this a week ago. It really does help logging my food intake every day, before i started this i wasn't really realizing what I was consuming. I'm so happy you have a supportive husband, good for you! haha. Good luck to you! If you need any support on here, I would be happy to be that for you! Just add me as a friend :)
  • crazeness
    Welcome and good luck!! :smile:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Good luck to you...,so lucky you have supportive husband...must make it so much easier. Just gotta have that willpower which is not always gonna be there...well not for me anyway but i'm determined this time.
  • Glos_Bloke

    I'm a recently joined member also. The support from the community on this site is fantastic! Grab yourself a load of friends and stay motivated.

    Best of luck on your journey.