Want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit for the first tim

Hi :flowerforyou: My name is Ashley. I have been overweight all my life, teetering between about 155 and 180 ( I know...huge gap!) But I've decided that I want this to be the year that I get fit, and get comfortable! I have stopped aiming for the elusive model thin image in my mind. I think that has always been intimidating for me,and has been a contributing factor to my failure time after time. Now I understand that supermodel thin isn't really ideal! I've set a practical weight goal for myself, and I aim to achieve it! I'm shooting for between 145 and 150. I've lost 2.4 pounds in the past 8 days already! Does anyone else have a similar goal for themselves? Has anyone else come to their senses about what is reasonable for their weight loss? Maybe we can encourage each other! :wink:


  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Sounds familiar! Friend request sent. :smile:
  • sbpadidas
    i have the same goal in mind...and have come to my scenses that i will never be super model thin either...my ideal weight would be about 150... like when i got married...I would love to look good in a bathing suit again!!!