Hurting Wrists and Sleepy Feet

Just wondering if I am not doing something right? I have been doing Insanity for almost a month now (missed a few days) and I have a very hard time with push ups and or planks. I have had this problem since I can remember. My wrists hurt! When I am trying to do them it feels like my wrists are going to snap! I am overweight but I figured I should still be able to do push ups. Is there anything I can wear when working out that would help or a modified way to do them?

Also, I have a problem with my feet going to sleep. When I get about a fourth of the way through my workout my feet start to tingle and feel as if they are going to sleep. It makes it very hard to stay on them when they feel so funny. For instance, with the Insanity workouts it always seems to happen after the warmup. When the strecthing part comes I have a hard time holding my lunges and stuff because I cant feel my feet (: My shoes are not too tight, that was the first thing I made sure of.

Thank you for any advice.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You need to ask your doctor. Not every exercise program is right for every person. You shouldn't do any exercise that's not cleared through your doc.
  • capntk
    capntk Posts: 2
    You are using alot of different muscles when you do a push up. I would suggest if you are experiencing pain to stop doing push ups. There are a number of exercises you can do to isolate certaing muscles to gain strength that will help you before you start doing pushups as a exercise. There are plenty of websites that will show you various exercises that will help and they are free. If you are just begining I think it is most beneficial to get the correct form and not worry so much about how much weight you are using. Most importantly if you experience any type of pain that is not normal stop doing that exercise immediately. Good luck
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I agree you should check with your doctor.

    With push-ups... Are you doing them on your knees? That can take a bit of stress off of your wrists. Not a lot, but a little.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'd say if you're not already, switch the push ups to the ones of your knees, it may take a bit of the pressure off. Sometimes it can take a while to get used to, when I first started lifting heavy weights my wrists would ache quite a bit after but it didn't last too long, few weeks maybe :)

    If it carries on definately see a doctor about it because you wouldn't want to seriously hurt yourself from it, just remember to go at what feels comfortable for you and the right form etc.