Starting p90x today!! :)

determined12345 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
hi... Just curious if anyone else starting p90x?

I plan to start it tonight...

Just looking for someone to keep each other motivated! :)


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I'm on Day 13 myself. Great program! It's actually a lot of fun! Stick with it, have fun and push yourself. You'll see results! You can add me if you like.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow. I have to go out today and buy me a chin up bar even though I can't do not even 1 chin up, lol!
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I just started yesterday. Day 2, plyometrics, today.

    I found I couldn't even do 1 rep of some exercises after getting 15-20 minutes into the actual workout. I would try my best to do something similar in these cases (regular pushups for diamond) but even then I gave myself lots of handicaps just to "keep moving/doing". One exercise I may have strangely done a little better on the second time around were the dive bomber pushups.

    The pause button was my friend throughout. Sadly it was already getting kind of late when I started so I didn't have the leisure of too much rest. I really needed a significant break between the first program and the ab ripper part, but had to kind of go right into it. No rest for the wicked.

    I had to simulate the pullups on my lat pulldown, just did reps with max weight and it seemed to do the job. At least I could eke out 5 of them for most exercises. Chin-up bar attachment for my workout bench has shipped,so hoping to get that in place within the next 8-10days.

    If I still can't do a decent percentage of what they can do by end of phase 1 (3 weeks + 1 week recovery) I may add one more week plus 1 week recovery, which Tony says you can do but he also says don't stay in 1 phase for more than 6 weeks.

    Right now I feel like I was pretty darned sloppy and need to dial it in.

    One highlight for me was the warmup was pretty easy, I did everything with roughly the same intensity as onscreen, with decent form (being no stranger to similar warmups). He kept talking about feeling the burn, etc., but I was fine with only a bit of burn. Yay, I think.

    Hoping I can get to Day 2 earlier in the day today, so I can go through it briskly but take an extended break at some point when I start falling apart and good form becomes a distant memory, so that I can press "play" again with renewed vigor and good form instead of on 2 minutes' rest with no muscle strength left.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just started yesterday. Day 2, plyometrics, today.

    I found I couldn't even do 1 rep of some exercises after getting 15-20 minutes into the actual workout. I would try my best to do something similar in these cases (regular pushups for diamond) but even then I gave myself lots of handicaps just to "keep moving/doing". One exercise I may have strangely done a little better on the second time around were the dive bomber pushups.

    The pause button was my friend throughout. Sadly it was already getting kind of late when I started so I didn't have the leisure of too much rest. I really needed a significant break between the first program and the ab ripper part, but had to kind of go right into it. No rest for the wicked.

    I had to simulate the pullups on my lat pulldown, just did reps with max weight and it seemed to do the job. At least I could eke out 5 of them for most exercises. Chin-up bar attachment for my workout bench has shipped,so hoping to get that in place within the next 8-10days.

    If I still can't do a decent percentage of what they can do by end of phase 1 (3 weeks + 1 week recovery) I may add one more week plus 1 week recovery, which Tony says you can do but he also says don't stay in 1 phase for more than 6 weeks.

    Right now I feel like I was pretty darned sloppy and need to dial it in.

    One highlight for me was the warmup was pretty easy, I did everything with roughly the same intensity as onscreen, with decent form (being no stranger to similar warmups). He kept talking about feeling the burn, etc., but I was fine with only a bit of burn. Yay, I think.

    Hoping I can get to Day 2 earlier in the day today, so I can go through it briskly but take an extended break at some point when I start falling apart and good form becomes a distant memory, so that I can press "play" again with renewed vigor and good form instead of on 2 minutes' rest with no muscle strength left.

    When I first started I was always hitting the pause button. Taking 2-3 mins and then back at it. But I noticed that even after 2 weeks, my stamina is way up! I can not only go without hitting pause, I can keep up with most reps. But as Tony says, hit the pause button if you need to. Nothing wrong with that! Just try to keep moving. Keep your heart rate up!

    And I will not lie! Plyo is tough! When he says it's the X in P90X, he isn't joking!! ha. Just keep fighting through it.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks Spitfirex, glad to know I am not the only one.

    BTW I found out Plyo is indeed the X in P90X. Strangely I felt better about how I did on plyo than on day 1. It took almost twice as long as the actual DVD to get through it, what with all the pausing after each exercise or couple of exercises.

    But I felt like I did better than day 1, not sure why but I feel better about how I did, regardless of pausing after almost every exercise (I never sat down the whole time either, just walked until heart rate went down).

    And today at least I am still kind of mobile, what with the sore arms from Saturday and my sore legs from yesterday.
  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    I am on day 5!!! Wohooooo I am lovin it...I am keeping my husband motivated because the diet is hard but we are so excited!
  • Keep it up guys you will love the results at the end of 90 days. I lost 25 lbs and 4 inches on my waist. Stick with the diet, push play and give it your best. Modify if you need to. No sense in going crazy and getting hurt the first few weeks. I noticed by about day 5 or 6 a huge burst in energy. Plus I think Chest & Back is the toughest workout. I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair that first day, lol. Good luck to all of you.
  • Day 15. YogaX sucks. I am not a flexible person to begin with. It doesn't help that it's also the longest workout of all, over 1.5 hrs. Helps that my wife is there to push me while she is on the treadmill.

    FYI: unless you enjoy calluses, get a cheap pair of weight lifting gloves to protect them. It can be the difference in getting those extra reps in for all the chin ups you'll be doing.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm starting month 2 today!!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Plyo X kicked my *kitten* the first time I did it!! couldn't walk or sit properly for 4 days!

    I hate the Yoga as well!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Today is Day 1 of Week 2 for my husband and I! I love it so far! I can't do a pull-up so I am using bands..but I will be able to do one before it's over! I was SOOOO sore last week, but I can already tell it's working. He's already lost a few lbs. Just do what you can and keep going! And I love Plyo! It's awesome! My husband hates it. LOL! GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Today will be Day 3 for me. I am doing the Classic program. Plyo kicked my butt last night!!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I swapped cardio X with yoga. You still get a little workout with the warm up's. Plus losing weight is more important to me then being flexible
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Day 6 tonight for this first-timer. I hear kenpo is kinda martial-artsy, so having studied several martial arts I am looking forward to some P90X martial-arts-flavored exercises.

    I am hoping already that I may be seeing some progress. For example my ab ripper X rep numbers for the first few exercises have been rising while later in the program they are still floundering with some up and down movement. Last night I was able to do 25 of each of the first 3 and only really paused between the first and 2nd to write down the 25 and give myself a tiny break, and paused just a bit longer between the forward and backward bicycles as I grew a little more fatigued.

    However, while I seemed a little more able at the front of the program, toward the end my extra effort at the start had negative effect -- some numbers were down. I may have to pace myself better....

    I also thought I did fairly well on the legs & back program last night. Am I keeping up with the group? No (Well, on a few exercises, yes). Am I still pausing an awful lot? Yes. Am I doing all the reps? Yes and No. No for those cases where I am simply getting too wobbly and am no longer able to get my body to do it in good form.

    I have a test coming soon, though. I haven't had a pullup bar since I started, but it's supposed to arrive today, so that means the very next time it comes up on the program I can be working actual pullups or their starter variants. I have been just using the max weight setting on my lat pulldown bar, but that doesn't allow me the full arm extension movements. I figured I had to at least do something similar for the time being with no other option in sight. I'm hoping my new bar will work out well to allow me to really gauge my progress. I am quite sure I won't be able to do one single pullup. And that will be where the bands come in.
  • Folks I will tell you this about yoga, it is there for a reason. This program has been tested and researched, it works. I hated yoga in the beginning. I love it now and I started P90X over 2 years ago. IF you can't do all 90 minutes do the first 45. Or get Tony's One-on-One series Fountain of Youth Yoga or MC2 Yoga they are 45 mins. and an hour respectively. Your body needs to recover, not more cardio. The stretching in yoga helps your body recover from the beatings it takes in the other workouts. If you aren't gonna do yoga, you aren't doing the program the way it was intended. That is fine, it's your choice. Everyone struggles with workouts, some yoga, some plyo, if you struggle with something you do your best and try again the next time.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I don't like Yogo myself, but will soldier on best I can. I actually found the 2nd 45 minutes more surviveable than the first part. Admittedly, I stopped right about at the happy baby part. It was getting really late and I figure until I can actually do these programs with only minimal pausing I could afford to not do the very end of the Yoga.

    My observations, and I welcome comments:

    I know it is supposed to be a lot of stretching, but I was so fatigued that I couldn't do the move that is like doing the downward part of a pushup correctly (I guess just before the "upward dog" movements? Not talking about where he slips in a pushup before the downward one because I am not yet ready for that). I would just pretty much collapse down. I think it's a hangover of being a little used up from Day 1's pushups, which I really struggled with after the first 10 minutes of that program, and being generally torn down pretty good in my very first week.

    I really struggled with the "swing your leg down and get into runner's position" thing.

    I also realized that my gut really hinders me on a lot of movements. Maybe I am doing something not quite right with positioning, but it actually felt like a pliable but firm pillow was determined to get in my way! Gonna take time before that is resolved. A lot of my swinging into runner's pose attempts did NOT benefit from me having that thing in my way!

    I had a lot of struggle both with my hands hurting on the floor, and with simply staying up on my hands in the dog positions, the half-pushup things, plank, you name it. My arms are still easily fatigued and I literally got out of position, or took breaks, or skipped reps almost constantly, to make it through the exercises.

    Equipment-wise my hands get sweat on them pretty easy, and so I found my hands slipping a bit on the yoga mat I have. I may have to look into a better one?

    I tried to be smart about what I was ready for from a technique perspective, and would just do stuff I saw earlier in the program when I felt like something Tony was doing was beyond my capability. This was really only true of the 2nd half as the first half my only problems were endurance, stomach, and hand pain issues.
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