Be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true.

I have seen a few people on the boards mention a company called Walden Farms. After looking at their website, I couldn't keep back a little rant about fake "diet" food in general.

Walden Farms (very misleading name, as there is nothing even resembling a farm about it) is a company producing sauces, dips, spreads, syrups, dressings and other condiments that have zero calories. It may sound appealing, and their products may very well have no calories, but they are not real food. Here's the catch: nearly every single product has Splenda in it. Actually, of the fifty products on their website, forty-nine list Splenda in the ingredient list. I'm thinking the one holdout is probably just an oversight.

Why would you want a peanut "spread" with no peanuts in it? Or a creamy bacon salad dressing that replaces the good stuff with "imitation bacon bits"? Their strawberry spread features "strawberry flavor", "natural flavors", and cellulose gel in addition to the ever-present Splenda. Wouldn't you rather just have real strawberry preserves?

This is yet more fake "food" that appeals to people who want to lose weight. They are nutritionally bankrupt, having no vitamins, minerals, fiber, or anything else that you body can use to function. Putting chemicals in your body may help you drop pounds in the short term, but it is not conducive to the lifestyle change that leads to true health and longevity. Isn't that what you truly want?


  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    I'm with you. My new life plan has lots of LIFE in it, therefore fake foods created in a chemical laboratory, especially artificial sweeteners have no place in that life. Real, life-sustaining food created in nature is where health can be found. It took me a long to to see this clearly, but I see it now.
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    AGREED! I'd much rather eat a real strawberry then have a chemically produced "real strawberry flavor and texture" lab creation. Things like this - and that wretched Splenda - make me sick.

    Thanks for sharing and reminding me why I love the farmers market. :)
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I totally agree. I mean what is the purpose of eating it if its not going to sustain you. Real food has real calories, fat, carbs etc for a reason: our body cant survive without it.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I agree 100%!

    I bought some greek yoghurt the other day (has been years since I let myself eat something that has 5%+ milk fat!) and the calories are high (180 for 3/4 cup) - but the ingredient list has three things - all real. No chemicals...I compared that to my Silhouette 0% fat @ 35calories for 3/4 cup (or half, I can't remember) - then I looked at the ingredient list ... holy mother! Half the side of the container was filled with words I've never heard of (mostly chemical..)

    So, I've decided that a quarter cup of REAL yoghurt for 60 calories is MUCH better (tastes better too)
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I agree, I don't want any thing with "added flavor" or dye's or anything I don't know where it came from, we just weren't meant to eat artificial products.
  • sunnysashka
    Agree! It drives me crazy when I see in the ingredients box: "natural fresh roasted peanut flavoring"!!! It sounds crazy! How is FLAVORING can be NATURAL? Scary!!!! A lot of people use staff like that. But I strongly believe that you have to pay for ANY SHORTCUT!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    not to mention this stuff tastes disgusting. i bought a bottle of the balsamic vinegarette to try it and i can't even stomach the taste. i'll take my light italian with 35 calories anyday over this crap!
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    OK. In theory I agree with you all. In reality I eat quite a bit of processed foods. (Way less than I used to but still to much) My goal from the beginning of this journey has been just that...a journey, making changes along the way. I have made quite a few...adding lots of fruits and veggies whereas I used to eat very very few. My next challenge is to get rid of or at least knock way down my use of splenda. Unfortunately I like some things really my morning coffee. Any suggestions? What do you use to sweeten? It seems to take quite a bit of sugar to get it like I like and of course that means calories. But like I said that is my continually eat cleaner. I just in the beginning felt I could not do all the changes at once. I think a lot of people feel that way. And for me that was ok because I am eating healthier even with the splenda and other preservatives than I ever did in my life. Thanks for any help.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OK. In theory I agree with you all. In reality I eat quite a bit of processed foods. (Way less than I used to but still to much) My goal from the beginning of this journey has been just that...a journey, making changes along the way. I have made quite a few...adding lots of fruits and veggies whereas I used to eat very very few. My next challenge is to get rid of or at least knock way down my use of splenda. Unfortunately I like some things really my morning coffee. Any suggestions? What do you use to sweeten? It seems to take quite a bit of sugar to get it like I like and of course that means calories. But like I said that is my continually eat cleaner. I just in the beginning felt I could not do all the changes at once. I think a lot of people feel that way. And for me that was ok because I am eating healthier even with the splenda and other preservatives than I ever did in my life. Thanks for any help.

    I switched to Stevia in the Raw (must be careful and read the ingredients because Truvia and others are processed) it has one ingred-stevia which is derived from a leaf.

    I use 1/2 tsp sugar or less to offset the aftertaste, but now a year later I really dont need that either. I LOVE this helps me tremendously on the calorie and sugar front.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It was fun the first 6 months here learing about all the CRAP that is in 'food'

    Amazed was a good word for me. Things I thought were good for me, were loaded with fillers and preservatives. The best part was there was always a fresh natural substitute for the substitute.

    I used the bags of oatmeal thinking I as doing so well (and it WAS better than the bowl of Capn Crunch, but not much)
    Now I eat steel cut Irish oatmeal and add my own brown sugar, honey, agave or just berries and it is yummo!
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    OK. In theory I agree with you all. In reality I eat quite a bit of processed foods. (Way less than I used to but still to much) My goal from the beginning of this journey has been just that...a journey, making changes along the way. I have made quite a few...adding lots of fruits and veggies whereas I used to eat very very few. My next challenge is to get rid of or at least knock way down my use of splenda. Unfortunately I like some things really my morning coffee. Any suggestions? What do you use to sweeten? It seems to take quite a bit of sugar to get it like I like and of course that means calories. But like I said that is my continually eat cleaner. I just in the beginning felt I could not do all the changes at once. I think a lot of people feel that way. And for me that was ok because I am eating healthier even with the splenda and other preservatives than I ever did in my life. Thanks for any help.

    Hi Ladybug! I understand where you are coming from. Believe me, my diet used to be awful, and I didn't just flip a switch when I made the decision to overhaul -- it was a process. I don't post things like this to judge anyone else's diet. My goal is to inform and inspire :)

    I don't drink coffee, but my mom has had success using raw honey and organic agave syrup to sweeten hers. I am not a fan of the agave syrup, as it is processed as well, but I love honey and use it in my tea. Look for raw, cold-processed, unfiltered honey. It has health benefits as well as deliciousness. Raw stevia leaves (NOT Truvia or any other processed stevia) is another option.
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the answers. I have tried Stevia way back and didn't care for it but will try it again...maybe it is an "acquired" taste. And I also used to not drink coffee at all so may try that eventually...but for not that's my morning thing.

    Also, jessieinblue I didn't think you were view on all (or at least most) of the topics is that it is someone trying to help us all. Sometimes the truth may sting a little...but we're all here to learn, lose and improve I think. For me I will take any advice that helps me lose the weight or get/stay healthy. This is definitely NOT a diet or a quick fix in my life...I have every intention of doing this for my lifetime. I'm just irritated with myself that it took me so long to get smart!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Like, like, like, like, LIKE!!!! (When are they going to add a "Like" button to this site?? :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have seen a few people on the boards mention a company called Walden Farms. After looking at their website, I couldn't keep back a little rant about fake "diet" food in general.

    Walden Farms (very misleading name, as there is nothing even resembling a farm about it) is a company producing sauces, dips, spreads, syrups, dressings and other condiments that have zero calories. It may sound appealing, and their products may very well have no calories, but they are not real food. Here's the catch: nearly every single product has Splenda in it. Actually, of the fifty products on their website, forty-nine list Splenda in the ingredient list. I'm thinking the one holdout is probably just an oversight.

    Why would you want a peanut "spread" with no peanuts in it? Or a creamy bacon salad dressing that replaces the good stuff with "imitation bacon bits"? Their strawberry spread features "strawberry flavor", "natural flavors", and cellulose gel in addition to the ever-present Splenda. Wouldn't you rather just have real strawberry preserves?

    This is yet more fake "food" that appeals to people who want to lose weight. They are nutritionally bankrupt, having no vitamins, minerals, fiber, or anything else that you body can use to function. Putting chemicals in your body may help you drop pounds in the short term, but it is not conducive to the lifestyle change that leads to true health and longevity. Isn't that what you truly want?

    Awesome post!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey I'm trying to use up my Splenda before I switch to another sweetner. I only use it in my 0% greek yogurt & on my sweet potatoes (splenda/brown sugar mixture).

    What do you suggest? Greek yogurt has an after taste so adding something else is going to cut it. Honey maybe?
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Hey I'm trying to use up my Splenda before I switch to another sweetner. I only use it in my 0% greek yogurt & on my sweet potatoes (splenda/brown sugar mixture).

    What do you suggest? Greek yogurt has an after taste so adding something else is going to cut it. Honey maybe?

    Honey would be perfect. Make sure it is raw and unfiltered. It goes deliciously with Greek yogurt.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey I'm trying to use up my Splenda before I switch to another sweetner. I only use it in my 0% greek yogurt & on my sweet potatoes (splenda/brown sugar mixture).

    What do you suggest? Greek yogurt has an after taste so adding something else is going to cut it. Honey maybe?

    Honey would be perfect. Make sure it is raw and unfiltered. It goes deliciously with Greek yogurt.

    Making a note of it. Thanks Jessie.
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    I have gone completely natural and my IBS is doing much much better. I also follow a slow carb diet, and the changes are amazing.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    So glad to hear about everyone's success with REAL food!!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I decided more than a decade ago that I would avoid consuming the "diet" version of things, but rather consume less of the natural version. It always frustrates me when people talk to me about how healthy they are when all they're doing is consuming chemicals ... to each their own, but I don't like having my food judged by someone who has a plate resembling a chemistry final.

    Every now and again I accidentally get a drink sweetened with aspartame :(