new from snowy maine

well its not monday but whats a day early. herre I go again. disgusted with that scale and at the highest I have everr been. but I feel like Im out of control and my scrubs are getting tight....arrr but its time to take control and this seems like a good website to begin.


  • urbanasian
    good morning. I'm sort of new to this. I've been on and off on mfp for about a month now not really committing myself to the weight loss. but last week i decided to totally commit myself to my weight loss goals and it has been going well. i've tried everything from atkins, to south beach, to weight watchers, and now this. i had a lot of success on weight watchers but i got tired of paying $40/month for it. so i found this and in the past week i've lost about 6 lbs. after gaining those 6 lol. but i'm going to see how this helps me.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Good luck. I've been on for about 3 weeks. Also the heaviest I've ever been. Had every excuse in the book not to exercise and eat right but have decided I just need to do this. I have gotten up every morning to exercise with Jillian Michaels and have lost 5 pounds. Would like to lose faster but want to do it right and stick with it. Friend me if you want support!