one those spiteful reasons ;-)

shaphira Posts: 17
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
I know we here to get healthy, live long, but have you ever wanted to get in shape just so you can rub it in someone face :devil: you know the jerks that made fun of you.Or that superficial ex.I know you should do it for self.But hey we good ppl but we not angels.:wink: Or jus those scrubs that would never talk to you but now like you cuz you're hot lol :tongue: just a thought


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    i can't wait until the girls who were mean to me in high school see me at the 20 yr reunion. MUHUHAHAHA:devil:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you made me giggle...hey whatever it takes - right!
  • Even tho I'm only halfway thru my journey, I would love for my narcissistic, controlling, sociopathic ex-fiance to see me now. Once I'm at the end of my journey, I will probably stage a "run-in," LOL!

    Hey, he nearly destroyed me and stole my soul. The least I can do is rub it in how well I'm doing nowadays -- physically and emotionally -- while he's continuing his same destructive patterns.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Yes (and no). I'm doing this for myself but will also have a slight bit of satisfaction in making a few people that made comments about my weight eat their words (no pun intended :laugh: )
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ha Ha Ha

    I was just thinking about it this morning. Our "adult" selves want to be healthy, happy, etc etc But I have a screaming, inner child who just wants to make people think that there is no way I could have given birth to the 4 children who follow me around. :laugh:
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    It's not superficial at all. That's part of the reason I do it. =] It's all good.......
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I wanted to lose weight for many reasons, one of which is to prove someone wrong. I was in a relationship with someone i loved for a little over a year. We were best friends and completely inseperable the entire time. The relationship was completely toxic & I realized that I needed to take drastic measures in order to yank myself out of that situation. I moved 2 and a half hours away and started a new relationship (with my now husband). This ex of mine was furious with me for leaving him behind & for moving on with my life. When he heard the news later on that I was pregnant (word travels fast) he wrote me a message which said "you're damaged goods now, thanks, now i know i'll never fall in love with you again"

    I have 2 beautiful baby boys (twins) and i would gladly do it all over again. I had a hard pregnancy, and gained nearly 100lbs, but they are worth every pound gained. My ex saw me 4 months after giving birth. I was 20lbs more than i was when we were together. He scoffed at me and told me that if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill. I brushed it off, he's obviously a ****. When I began a year and a half later on my weight loss journey, i remembered those two words he said to me DAMAGED GOODS.
    Damaged goods? really? I'm damaged to you? Because i gave life to two beautiful baby boys ... in your opinion, i am RUINED? and no longer worthy of love, or attention. This FUELS me during my workouts & I find myself every single pound lost, looking in that mirror and yelling at it DAMAGE? SHOW ME WHERE THE DAMAGE IS.

    I am currently 15lbs LESS than when I dated him, and I'm definitely more toned. There is NOTHING damaged about my body. I'm in the best shape of my life and i'm still moving forward with it. If I ever see him out in public again (which i'm sure i will) I would love to march right up to him in my skin tight dress, do a twirl & ask him to point out all of the damage ....the damage in my flat stomach, the damage in my muscular arms, the damage in my toned thighs. POINT OUT THE DAMAGE. There's nothing damaged about my goods & he will eat those words :))

    Not only do I have a nice figure .... but i have 2 beautiful babies on my arms as well.

    I have 5 words for that ex


    and i do.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I don't think it's superficial. I don't have any of those spiteful reasons, but that's only because I have nothing to do with anybody from my high school days, and I've never met any of my husband's exes, and I will never see any of my exes. If I didn't live halfway across the country from all of those people though, you can bet your bippy I'd be flaunting my new physique all over town. :laugh:
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    So So True!! I think we all secretly have that as our motivation while we do this weight loss journey! But yeah most importantly we are doing it for ourselves but also to prove to other people how good we look when we are done! :) Y
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    yep, I see it like most here.
    Of course I do it only for myself, my health, my fitness.
    But there is this little bad girl in me that always does a happy dance and whistles and jumps up and down every time I see the look in the eyes of some certain persons. It's human I think. And hey, we put a lot of work into our journey. We deserve such moments as well.
  • I think that everyone want to do it for themselves..but the honest thing is...its all those people who made you feel like crap that motivates you to keep going! I can't wait to be lean and sexy and all those people can
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    I have to agree, I am mostely tring to lose the weight for myself and I know my husband loves me small or large but I too would love to bump into a certin ex when I am back in my small clothes or the people at school who called me names
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am pretty sure everybody is doing it for themselves. But I'd be willing to bet you are lying if you said you weren't doing it for vanity reasons also. Everyone wants to look good and feel good.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I think everyone has this, whether they admit it or not. I mean of COURSE we all want to do it to be healthy and run with the kiddos and all the GOOD reasons.

    There is always the one little selfish reason you want to do it.

    Mine? I want to go to my High school reunion and watch everyone's faces. In High school I was never completely with the "in" crowd, I wasn't what they would call gorgeous. I was just me, at 170lbs. I want to get to my goal weight of 135-140 and watch everyone that made fun of me.

    I'd also like to run into a couple guys from college. They always said "you're a great friend, but you aren't my type." Then I'd see them with some ditzy,-no-personality,-size-zero-girl and I'd be mad.

    I think everyone has that time when someone made fun of them, or treated them bad and you want to rub it in their face. Yeah, I want to do that!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I wanted to lose weight for many reasons, one of which is to prove someone wrong. I was in a relationship with someone i loved for a little over a year. We were best friends and completely inseperable the entire time. The relationship was completely toxic & I realized that I needed to take drastic measures in order to yank myself out of that situation. I moved 2 and a half hours away and started a new relationship (with my now husband). This ex of mine was furious with me for leaving him behind & for moving on with my life. When he heard the news later on that I was pregnant (word travels fast) he wrote me a message which said "you're damaged goods now, thanks, now i know i'll never fall in love with you again"

    I have 2 beautiful baby boys (twins) and i would gladly do it all over again. I had a hard pregnancy, and gained nearly 100lbs, but they are worth every pound gained. My ex saw me 4 months after giving birth. I was 20lbs more than i was when we were together. He scoffed at me and told me that if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill. I brushed it off, he's obviously a ****. When I began a year and a half later on my weight loss journey, i remembered those two words he said to me DAMAGED GOODS.
    Damaged goods? really? I'm damaged to you? Because i gave life to two beautiful baby boys ... in your opinion, i am RUINED? and no longer worthy of love, or attention. This FUELS me during my workouts & I find myself every single pound lost, looking in that mirror and yelling at it DAMAGE? SHOW ME WHERE THE DAMAGE IS.

    I am currently 15lbs LESS than when I dated him, and I'm definitely more toned. There is NOTHING damaged about my body. I'm in the best shape of my life and i'm still moving forward with it. If I ever see him out in public again (which i'm sure i will) I would love to march right up to him in my skin tight dress, do a twirl & ask him to point out all of the damage ....the damage in my flat stomach, the damage in my muscular arms, the damage in my toned thighs. POINT OUT THE DAMAGE. There's nothing damaged about my goods & he will eat those words :))

    Not only do I have a nice figure .... but i have 2 beautiful babies on my arms as well.

    I have 5 words for that ex


    and i do.

    Wow!!! You go girl! That post seriously gave me goosebumps!!!!!
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    Ha Ha Ha

    I was just thinking about it this morning. Our "adult" selves want to be healthy, happy, etc etc But I have a screaming, inner child who just wants to make people think that there is no way I could have given birth to the 4 children who follow me around. :laugh:

    I LOVE this...I feel the same way, only I have 3 kids not 4. My 10 year reunion is next year and I fully intend on being skinnier and in better shape than all the girls who haven't had kids yet. (those *****es who laughed when I got pregnant at 19 can just envy me for a change)
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I started this for me quite a while ago, and thats the main part of the sticky toffee fudge cake, finding out girls who picked on you, and boys who fobbed you off while younger and fatter, then bumping into ex's who dont recognise you and start drooling is the ice cream ontop, not needed but definately an added bonus.
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