Struggling with Hypothyroidism

susanfullen Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I'm new to this website. My coworkers and I have a weight loss challenge going on in the office to see who can lose the most weight from now till mid-May. I am struggling because I have hypothyroidism and my doctor told me that I would not lose weight but medicine would help me maintain where I am now. I am trying to prove him wrong (lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks), but it is hard to know what to eat. I am struggling with having to eat 1200 calories a day (and that doesn't including me working out). I go way over my sugars and fats even though I am under the calorie numbers.

My other problem is that I don't like anything that is healthy for me. I don't do salads or raw veggies of any kind. I don't like any green or white veggies even if steamed/cooked. I don't like much fruit except grapes, bananas and occassional apples (but they take me over in Sugars). I don't like yogart or skim milk.

I eat alot of Special K products like their shakes, protein bars, and I just found these great sour cream & onion crackers or savory herb crackers. Sometimes I eat the cereal too.

I'm looking for someone who knows about Hypothyroidism better than me and can make suggestions.


  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I have Hypothyroidism and I have for years although I am not expert on it! If your sugars are over because of fruit that is no big deal! The only thing I go over on is my sugar but it is because of fruit. Other than that I pretty much stay within my range for everything. You can add me as a friend if you want. It is possible to lose weight, i have lost weight in the past however it isnt as easy! You just have to work hard and be dedicated!
  • I also have an under active thyroid which does make trying to lose weight feel the equivalent of banging your head against a brick wall!!!

    I really don't know what to suggest re food wise, though what I try and do is if I don't like something I try my best to start incorporating it so that I either do start to like or get used to it. I used to HATE salmon and now though its not my fave food I do find it quite enjoyable!
    Try getting some ready peeled baby carrots as they are quite tasty and sweet!
    Sadly most manufactured 'healthy/low fat' treats are still just no good for you.
  • Another way to incorporate veggies that you don't like is to toss them in a food processor and then add them to pasta sauce or other things you are cooking. My husband doesn't like cooked veggies either but I toss spinach, carrots, onions, and zucchini to his pasta sauce and he has no clue. Also, have you tried adding cheese to your veggies? I found this one recipe where you take a veggie peeler and make "noodles" out of a zucchini, simmer them in some chicken broth, then add a couple of the laughing cow cheese wedges. I added a little oregano and basil and it almost tasted like fettuccine alfredo. Even the hubby that hates zucchini liked it (or at least found it tolerable). I found that just trying to cook things different ways makes a difference. Roast cauliflower and broccoli and add some parm cheese rather than steam it, it tastes completely different. I was never a veggie eater either (unless it was deep fried) and now I crave them. At first I had to force myself to eat them and hated every minute of it, but now the more I eat them, the more I love them.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid as well, but I've decided I'm no longer going to use it as an excuse. I think everyone has some sort of hurdle they have to overcome to lose weight, otherwise it wouldn't be such a ginormous money-making industry. I'm keeping the mantra of slow and steady in my mind just now. I know it's going to be hard work, but if I manage to lose a pound a week until the end of the year, it will be sooooo worth it.

    If you aren't terribly keen on vegetables on their own, try teaming them with something to start with ... celery with cottage cheese or peanut butter / tomatoes with cottage cheese / cucumber sprinkled with lemon pepper seasoning. You might also try sugar snap peas which are crunchy and sweet!
  • runracer11
    runracer11 Posts: 45 Member
    I have been on Synthroid for hypothyroidism for 11 years, and about 6 years ago, after having my 2nd child, I managed to go from about 175lbs down to 135lbs (I'm 5'9.5" tall, so that was a very fit weight for me). I exercised a lot and restricted calories. Now, after having my 3rd child, I am trying to do the same again. Having hypothroidism meant that when I got pregant with my 3rd I gained a lot of weight quickly during the pregnancy (like 10 lbs in 2 weeks at the beginning!). Anyway, it doesn't seem particularly easy to lose weight, but I know it is possible from past experience. I am not allowing myself to fail this time around by making sure I am eating very clean, tracking everything, staying within the calorie limit and exercising. I started on January 1st and am down 11.5lbs so far.
    The key is to make sure your hypothyroidism is well controlled by medication before trying to lose weight. If you are out of range, that could be a losing battle. I know if I am not well controlled, my metabolism slows to a halt and I get depressed and tired, and my body craves food (for energy). That's why it is a losing battle in that situation.
    Good luck!!! And have hope, I am proof that it is possible to lose weight with this condition!
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    I have been hypo for almost 10 years, and it IS possible to lose weight, it's just more difficult. Make sure to not skip any medication doses, drink LOTS of water, stay away from sugar and avoid SOY products when possible. Soy is actually terrible for people with hypothyroidism. If there's any way to try to get some vegetables in your diet, try!!! Have you ever had them grilled? Or could you stand to have a little bit of spinach mixed in with an omelet? I am not a huge salad lover (it bores me...all the chewing and chewing) but I have found ways to get my vegetables in a little bit better than I used to. Lettuce on a sandwich, hidden spinach, V-8, scooping up a bite of veggie inside a little bit of potato...and as far as fruit, I like fruit salad, but you could do a smoothie if you don't like eating the fruit whole. Make sure too, to eat enough protein. I find that is where I fail the worst.

    Good luck to you!!!!
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    I have had thyroid problems for over 25 years and I can tell you that you can and will lose weight with diet and exercise. Don't let the low thyroid be a crutch. Keep up with your medication and do not take your thyroid medication with milk products it reduces its effectiveness. You should wait i hour after taking medication to eat and milk products. You may have to exercise more than the average person because of a slower metabolism. Good Luck and know you can do it.
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