Newbie. 23 year old female needing to lose 20 pounds.

Missfitjeb Posts: 30
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I'm new around this site however I'm not new to diet and exersize. I have been a member of a local gym for about a year now. I am 5'1, 134lbs. I began at 145 and went down to 128. The holidays were hard on me and I binged on a lot of cookies causing me to gain 6 pounds. Needless to say, I'm a bit ashamed. So here I go again hoping that this time I can take it off and keep it off.

I have one cheat day a week that I am going to be altering. Usually I will cheat all day instead of just one meal. I'd like to stop this. Also, I work in a bakery where extra junk food is always available. I think I have a food addiction. I love to eat, especially when I'm not hungry. I go to the gym 4 or 5 days a week, depending on my work schedule. I always feel the need to eat a big meal after the gym, more than just something with protien. It's kind of annoying because I literally cannot stop myself.

So today I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. I want to be in shape, I want this flab off of my belly more than anything. I ate well today, leaving plenty of calories for dinner. I won't be attending the gym today since it closes early.

Anyway, best of luck to everyone with your goals!! Hope to talk to some of you soon.

Ps. Anyone here with painful carpal tunnel/tendinitis know any great yoga moves that don't involve putting pressure on the hands and wrists?


  • Welcome! I too use to do the cheat days, but after a whlie the guilt got to me. Now what I do is pick 1 day a week to take off from doing exercise and rest, but still watch what I eat. After a while you grow to not like things bad for you and you'll crave the better stuff
  • Hi there! Good plan on cutting back on the entire cheat day...sometimes it just happens, but if you go into your day already knowing you can eat whatever you want, you are going to come out much worse then trying to eat well.

    What workouts are you currently doing at the gym? If you are serious about weight loss, I would sign up for instructor-lead cardio classes 4 times a week like spin, step, bootcamp etc. Yoga is good, and many people do the elliptical etc on their own, but Ive found that nothing works like a group cardio class! Instead of yoga, have you tried piloga?
  • I am in the same boat as far as wanting to eat everything in sight after a workout. It happens because you burn up carbohydrates for energy when you exercise (especially if its a lengthy worthout) and your body is trying to replentish that store. I have found that if you drink the Gatorade Post Workout drink (Not the regular gatorade, this one is specific to post workout recovery) it takes a lot of the edge off the hunger because its full of carbohydrates and protein and the calories aren't too bad.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I never have been able to do a whole cheat day. I usually will eat great all day and then have my cheat meal at dinnertime. I do this once a week. It hasn't really kept me from losing. It might slow down the process for a couple of days but I think I have to eat the extra calories every now and then to rev up my metabolism and keep my body guessing.
  • Hi! I was on the same boat as you about one week ago. On weekends, or sometimes late at night during the week, I would splurge and go over my calories by about 500-800 with sweets. For some reason, (maybe it was due to the fact that summer clothes shopping is only 3-4 months away! Yikes!), I finally realized my goals and how I was going to get there. And bingeing is not part of the plan. If you want to have a good dessert or a meal of your choice some days, that's fine, but the key is doing things in moderation. Good luck! (:
  • I really cannot wait for the day I stop craving the junk food! It's so horrible because I know how bad it is for me and I don't want to eat it... but I always do anyway =(
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