kind of losing my motivation!

abbyrowley Posts: 17
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I've been on this site for a month now and I've lost 11lbs. I'm really pleased with myself thinking about it but I don't look or feel any different whatsoever!

I've got a weird body you see. I weigh a hell of a lot more than I look (apparently. maybe it's because I must have a lot of muscle and big bones!) and over the past year before joining this site, I gained 2 stone. Despite this, my clothes don't feel that much tighter!

So basically I'm kind of feeling a bit crap at the moment because I'm just thinking that I could lose over 2 stone but I won't look any different for the summer.

I've been doing a lot of swimming recently so maybe that'll help me to tone up?

Sorry for blabbing! I was just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of problem and how you managed to overcome it! x


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've been on this site for a month now and I've lost 11lbs. I'm really pleased with myself thinking about it but I don't look or feel any different whatsoever!

    I've got a weird body you see. I weigh a hell of a lot more than I look (apparently. maybe it's because I must have a lot of muscle and big bones!) and over the past year before joining this site, I gained 2 stone. Despite this, my clothes don't feel that much tighter!

    So basically I'm kind of feeling a bit crap at the moment because I'm just thinking that I could lose over 2 stone but I won't look any different for the summer.

    I've been doing a lot of swimming recently so maybe that'll help me to tone up?

    Sorry for blabbing! I was just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of problem and how you managed to overcome it! x
    first of all congrats on 11lb lost, you know when i first started to try and lose weight I only lost 10lbs in 3 months!
    we all have the same bones yours are no different, you do have a long way to go so dont get discourage, the more you work at it in no time you will see/feel changes...where do you have the most weight? work there first so you can see changes!
    never give up!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have lost a lot of weight so have tons of "floppy skin". It actually doesn't bother me but I did find that doing strength exercises has really helped me reshape my body. I'll never be truly tight and tone because of the extra skin but I have a great shape, especially in clothes because of the toning. So as you lose more weight, make sure you include that.
  • But you look young in your picture, so your skin might still have some elasticity in it, so it should start to shrink back in to shape a little. Trick to getting it back is to lose a bit, work out a lot to tone your skin as the fat behind it goes... and keep this up... That way you will lose the weight slowly and healthily, at the same time as giving your body the time it needs to do what it needs to do to get your skin back into shape too.
    Worked for me... I lost 6 stone (admittedly before joining here) over a period of a few years - yes it took a while, but my skin doesn't really sag anywhere - it has all come back in to place more or less and I put it down to patience and toning...
  • Try taking your measurements, I've lost around 12lbs and dont feel or look any different, but my measurements suggest otherwise so its worth a try. :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If 2 stone ON didnt see much of a change in you then 11lbs OFF isnt going to make much difference.

    My advice, feel free to disregard

    Change your ticker to reflect how much you have lost not how far you have to go. 11lbs in a month is not to be sniffed at!

    Set yourself mini targets, your next one could be to get that first 14lbs're only 3lbs away from that. After that how about makin it to 21lbs etc.

    Take your measurements once a month. I take bust, underbust, waist, hips, thighs, individuall thigh and individual upper far i'm 26 inches down and some of those dropped when i had a 3 week plateau so definitely helped to keep me motivated.

    For someone with a lot to lose its often around the 20lbs gone before you can see a difference and around 30lbs down before other really notice. I was 17lbs down before i could see it, my kids could too but no one else really and was 34lbs down before I got my first comment from anyone else. That felt pretty darn GOOD!

    Summer is 5 months can be a lot lighter than 2 stone down by then...11lbs in 4 weeks, youre nearly half way to that 2 stone now! Yes it will slow down a little but with exercise and hard work you can keep it at a steady 2lb a week. You do the math!

    If you give up now what will you have achieved? Keep plodding on, add people who can motivate you. Add people who have already lost a lot. Add people with a similar amount of weight to lose. Add me if you don't mind the age gap.

    By sticking to it you have nothing to lose but weight...thats what you started this for!

    Good luck
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    :flowerforyou: 11 pounds in a month is awesome! That's almost 3 pounds a week! When you have more weight to lose, it can take a while to actually see the results. I started with 237 pounds to lose. So far, I've lost 43. It took at least 25 pounds for me to start to feel different. I feel a lot better and I'm going to keep on going! As far as looks goes, when people look at me, they don't notice that I've lost weight. Except for my mother, but I think she has daughter blinders on. lol I know I must be getting smaller because the scale is going down and my clothes are looser. It's going to take a long time for me to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and say wow!! Please don't give up. The pounds may come off slowly, but that is the kind of weight loss that is the best. Because of this long process, your relationship with food is changed and you can find the reasons why you gained in the first place and hopefully confront them.

    One of the things I did when I started was make a video of myself for myself. Past me talking to future me. (I make new ones every so often) I keep it private, as can you. I talk about all the reasons why I want to get healthy, and I offer encouragement. I remind myself not to go through that drivethrough, not to grab junk food when I am stressed, and above all to never return to the old me. And speaking of the old you, you should be proud of her. I'm proud of the old me. Let me tell you why. She had the courage to make the decision to change her life. Now do her proud by keeping that courage and stay strong to stay on your journey.

    This is a journey, my friend; no daytrips here. I wish you the best of luck and please stay on that healthy train. :flowerforyou:
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Hi there, congrats on your 11 lbs loss! That is fabulous! I have lost 10 lbs thus far and to tell you the truth I don't feel much different physically..yet! But we will!! But mentally, whoo hoo!! We are on our way!

    One thing I might suggest to keep you motivated is to change your ticker from weight to lose to weight lost. Then even for those weeks when things don't go as well as we'd hoped and/or we don't lose that week, you won't have the total weight loss goal staring you in the face to taunt you. We aren't playing games when we focus on our successes but it helps us have a more positive mindset.

    All the best!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    11pounds is great! This is my first month and I've actually lost about the same amount and feel the same way - like I don't look diferent. I do, however, take measurements, and a few of them have dropped a 1/2 inch or so. Measurements can be encouragin when the scale and the mirror arent!
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