Maxim Heart Rate

jane77 Posts: 489
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I got a new HRM today took 6.04 miles run and a .60 miles cool down walk 1 hour 41 min total my new monitor said i burned 1441 calories but i had Max hr wrong 168 it needede to be 179 because I maxed out there in middle of the run up hill and end of run by speed. Anyway question is was calories burned so high because intensited was wrong or is the watches calories just to high by about 4oo plus calories what do you think?


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Your max HR or 100% is 220-age=

    Example 220-34=186 so if I was workingat 100% which one can not do long. So work hard in the 75%-95%
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Certainly if your actual HR was higher than the age-predicted Max HR, that would account for some of the problem, since the HRM assumes you were working at 100+% of your VO2 max. The watch could also assume that your VO2max is higher than it is.

    Since I don't know exactly how many minutes you were running and don't know your weight, this is only a rough estimate, but I would estimate the calorie burn for your run at 650--750 calories.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Yes I know my HR should have been set higher but I used their test (stepping and sittting test to come up with the 168 number)
    I'm 47 and weigh 157 lbs so 179 MHR is what i now set the watch for But what I'm still wondering is why the calories burned where so high? Do you think its because the watch thinks I was at 90 to 100 % for must of the run.or do you think the watch is just high in general (for caslories burned) ? Also my average HR was 147 These numbers are driving me crazy
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