Help with building muscle please



  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    and you can build muscle and lose fat.... maybe not a lot but it can be done. im proof =) once I hit 110 I plan to add 10lbs of muscle and end up being 120.. like I was before I had twins =)
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I will gladly take any advice to help build muscle. I'm not looking to be a body builder but want to look and feel stronger.

    Her last line says it all, she isnt looking to break world records on lifts, she wants to feel strong. I am guessing most women would love to have a toned arm/leg etc with definition. 300 grams of protein is crazy! I wonder how much of a 30 gram protein shake is actually utilized by the body and how much is flushed down the toilet.
    Find a weighlifting program that you enjoy. If you enjoy doing it then you'll keep doing it. Measure your armslegs etc and take photos before you start, kinda your own personal transformation contest. As you lift weights you'll get stronger, your diet will help show definition, your strength will in turn provide the firmness your looking for. Just put in the work and have fun doing it. Protein is vital to helping develop muscle but its a pain in the *kitten* to do all those shakes month after month, but at least with this site you know how much you've consumed.
  • sarasotatim
    My only suggestion to add to this is to balance your weightlifting and cardio....the major mistake of most women is to go crazy on the cardio...this can actually be detrimental to your weight loss; plug-in some light weights as well (you'll get some cardio just from a good 45 minute weight segment).

  • Shawnalee0703
    get into the gym... you need to lift weights jullian micheals dvds wont help you with muscle building.... and you dont need to consume more than 150grams of protein per day to gain muscle
    Thank you! And you ARE infact living proof of this I have read your story! :-D Weights baby! And in my case... gaining muscle has helped me burn fat... Some areas are not getting too much smaller but man they are leaner and strong! :-D