need a little help fun run coming up in may and im no where

ok heres the thing my goal is to improve my fitness by may 2nd as it is the day of the Belfast fun run and i dont want to let myself down by not finishing. but i need motavation yeah its good my friend sandy is finally going but i need support because my one weakness is chips from the shop near school any healthy alternatives which taste just as yum or any small goals you think i could set would be greatly appreciated. :tongue: It also doesnt help your eating habits when the love of your life hasnt text you in over a week so iv been binging to compensate MUM Better hide the crisps they are my fave snack:cry:


  • LindaK1025
    If you like to snack definitely get yourself some pre packaged snacks that are no more than 120 calories. I love Pirates Booty and its 130 calories and absolutely delicious... or 100 calorie pretzel packs.. leave them in your car or purse so at least when you go to binge you grab one of those... For working out? set yourself a distance and dont stop till you get it.. Try setting yourselfto complete 2and half miles.. Try to walk, slow jog or whatever to get yourself to finish.. It works for me? As far as binge eating- try to read Geneen Roths books on Emotional Eating. It put alot of my eating habits into perspective and it could be a tremendous help. A great book of hers is "Women. Food and God" Good luck!!