What's driving you to lose weight?



  • maradel1
    I have 2 small children and I really want to have a photo taken with them without me deleting it or binning it straight away! I'd love to say I'm trying to lose the baby weight but in all honesty I'm already back to my pre-pregnancy weight, it just so happens I've still got a weight to go till im in the 'healthy' range. Since having children my body shape has completely changed as expected but if im not careful and if i dont do something about it now I'm going to end up so big i wont be able to do anything about it! I also just need to get back into healthy eating habits, we've been reverting back to fast food and chocolate etc and its starting to take its toll. By keeping a diary hopefully I will have better control over what we're eating. I dont let my kids eat crap so why on earth do i eat it??
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    1. I want my energy and health back. I've become lazy! I stopped doing things I loved. Like walking, playing ball, going swimming
    2, I am moving to Chicago in the fall. I don't want to start my new life out of shape and not feeling my best.
    3. I want to look better. Going to the beach and taking my shirt off, or just walking down the street. I haven't done that in 2 years haha
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    not being the "fat one" from my other 2 sisters...even though I have not seen them for over 2years, I just hear my mother say "their skinny", so I dont want to be just skinny I wanna be CUT!!....and thats what makes me keep going. Its benefiting me anyways.
  • CSK1981
    CSK1981 Posts: 16 Member
    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so less weight will be better for my joints!!

    I wanna wear cute clothes again

    I wanna wear a bikini again

    I don't wanna feel so insecure about the way i look when i'm out
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my major inspiration to lose weight is for my future children. i want to have a happy, healthy pregnancy and i doubt that i could do so at my current weight. i also currently have no health issues and want to keep it that way!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Does it sound shallow if I say that I miss my favorite jeans? I mean, I have a new pair of favorites that fit my current booty, but I really want to get back into my old faves. I always felt so hot in those. That's one of my biggest motivations. That, and I want to trim down my tummy so I don't look like I'm 6 months pregnant.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I'm the fattest I've ever been. I never thought I'd ever be FAT. I never ever gained a pound on my typically slender body until I got pregnant and it's been all down hill since then. I'm not one of those women that counted calories since the age of eight or anything. This means I've never had to lose weight and didn't even understand how.

    My reasons:
    I have closets worth of clothing that I adore- I want to wear them.

    I love high heels and have a collection- I want to wear them.

    I enjoy being sexy and being sexy for my husband..right now? Not so much and that sucks.

    I'm 35, this sounds crazy but, I find myself thinking things like how many more years am I going to want to have sex ..uh time is running OUT. I don't want to be sixty and thinking 'wow I wasted thirty years being fat!'. No thanks.

    My father died of a massive heart attack at the age of 52. He had diabetes and so does the rest of his family. I'm half asian. this is the white side of my family, all obese and diabetic. Well then, I need to at least learn from my fathers horrible lonely death. I do not want diabetes or a heart attack.

    Oh and this: I just hate being overweight. I remember running up stairs..I was so lithe! I want it BACK.

    @ ajweekley, that isn't too shallow. I don't think so b/c your motivation is a means to an ends right? Besides, research shows that most people are vastly motivated by vanity. (I'm not pointing fingers on that one, I know I am vain enough to want to look better, duh)
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I'm restricting caloric intake and carbohydrates because of the effect it has on the development of certain brain tumors. this has been well documented. in addition to restricting calories, I also fast for 20 - 22 hours out of every 24. all to lower the level of glucose available to tumors. they use it to grow instead of energy management: depriving them of glucose shrinks them. it's also established that fasting has a good effect on getting through chemotherapy in a better way. counter intuitive, but there you go.
  • alyssa83202
    I'm young (18) and I feel like right now is the time when I'm supposed to be in the best shape of my life, not the worst. I want to feel comfortable with my body and actually want to wear a bathing suit to the beach this summer! I'm also going on a shopping spree when I reach my goal weight, so that really helps motivate me as well. Overall all, I just want to feel healthy and confident!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Ok. Mine are so superficial and lame.

    I want to go to the pool with my kids this summer in a bathing suit that is not a 'mom suit.'
    I want to be lean and have muscle definition.
    I want to rock a pair of cute jeans.
    I want to look and feel younger.
    I want to be able to walk naked in front of a mirror without cringing.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    @stephanielynn76, those reasons aren't lame! HAHA, I'm in the same boat pretty much.

    @lodro: do you have brain tumors already? Or are you somehow predisposed to them? I'm not trying to make light of your situation if indeed the answer to both of those questions is yes....but aren't you being paranoid if not? I'm just imagining not eathing for 22 hours of everyday and that sounds pretty difficult.
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    Right now, my motivation is purely aesthetic. I'm not (quite) old enough yet to worry about my health and living a long life, so what's driving me now is simply the desire to feel like I can take my shirt off and be okay with what I see. Any internal benefits are just happy by-products for me at this point. :)

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Very simple:

    I had an infection in my legs for 2 years that the docs couldn't get rid of. Spent up to a month in the hospital numerous times, had skin grafts, and all kinds of weird treatments. Ultimately the doctor said he didn't know how much longer he could prevent it from spreading and killing me so he might have to amputate. However, if I lost the weight it MIGHT help, only might because it had been going on so long. Much of the skin on my lower legs was gone and the remaining flesh was literally like rotting meat. Pleasant, huh?

    Guess what I did.
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Quite a few reasons :)

    * I want to NOT have to worry about health problems and be able to sleep without difficulty breathing.
    * Not have to worry about going outside and having neighbors or people in cars staring at me every time they go by.
    * Go bicycling to friends/family's houses and work without having to wait to use a car.
    * Look much younger (even though most people do think I'm 16 XD), and be able to become more active outdoors.
    * Interact with my dogs more instead of having them be bored constantly.
    * Wear cute clothes and wear make-up.
    * Be able to wear smaller cosplay clothing so I don't have to worry about being an "overweight" version of my favorite characters.
    * Take pictures and be on video without feeling embarrassed about how it comes out.

    I think that's all, I don't know XD
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    @lodro: do you have brain tumors already? Or are you somehow predisposed to them? I'm not trying to make light of your situation if indeed the answer to both of those questions is yes....but aren't you being paranoid if not? I'm just imagining not eathing for 22 hours of everyday and that sounds pretty difficult.

    I had a few lesions, have had surgery and chemotherapy and am now on Avastin to prevent blood vessels from forming (tumors have their own blood supply, so the Avastin halts the development of tumors) I also know that statistically the odds are not in my favor, but I also know there have been cases of long term survival. (glioblastoma multiforme)

    Actually, the fasting isn't as difficult as it sounds or as I imagined it to be. I experience little to no hunger during "off" hours, then the eating is good when that happens. Of course lack of appetite is a factor, especially when on chemotherapy, but fasting before and after a round even helps with its side effect. I wouldn't have gone in this direction if I hadn't been ill, but the benefits for now outweigh the drawbacks.
  • kalebsmama07
    my wedding n to look great after having my son n get to a lower healthy weight before i had my son