Time For A Change

cls413 Posts: 57 Member
Well it's been time for a change for a while, but this year I am dedicated to doing something about it. Not a New Year's Resolution per se, but timing just happened to work out that way.

At my heaviest (that I know of) I was about 225 lbs. For my birthday in June, my husband bought me a Wii, and I started doing WiiFit every day. I got close to 200 but never quite hit it, and eventually my enthusiasm waned, and the Wii was only used for video games and Netflix.

After a really rough holiday season, I decided I needed to take control of SOMETHING in my life, and what better choice than to finally get healthy. I made my declaration on January 3rd, and weighed in at 215 lbs.

At first I just started watching my portion sizes and trying to get to the Y a few times a week. After a couple weeks of that I decided to take the next step and pay more attention to what I'm eating, not just how much. (I'm much better with small changes I know I can stick with, rather than big changes all at once.)

It just so happened that on Wednesday I bought my first smart phone, and I stumbled across MFP while looking at the plethora of apps available. This is just what I needed, and at just the right time! I've been logging my calories and exercise since Thursday, and am really excited to start a new week and a new month with such a useful tool.

My long-term goal is 140 lbs, which according to the BMI tool is on the high end of "healthy" for my height. If I can lose more, great, but I would be thrilled to hit that number. And for the first time in a long time (maybe ever), I really think I can do it. Short-term, I'm looking forward to finally breaking that 200 lb barrier.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    wooohoooo! Yay to you. Good luck on your journey!