Anyone else losing weight they allready lost?

I am upset with myself. From Oct 2009 untill May 2010 I lost 40 lbs. For some reason in May I stopped counting calories and working out and by the end of December I gained 25 of the 40 back. Since I got back on track Jan 3 I lost 11 lbs. I would be so much happier if that 11 was not part of the 25 I gained back. I still have 80 lbs to loose and would be closer to my goal weight if I did not get off track and gain weight back. Just wondering if anyone else had this issue? I am never going to stop watching what I eat even when I am at my goal weight. I would be at 48 lbs lost instead of 22. Anyone else having this issues?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    YES unfortunately , about 12 yrs ago I lost 105 lbs I kept it off for 4 1/2 yrs then got sick with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. I quite exercising and gained weight due to lack of exercise, the meds and comfort eating. I eventually gained it all back. I started again on july 17, 2010 and have lost 53 lbs so I am about 1/2 way there
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Yes! I hit my goal weight in December of 2009 but only stayed there for a couple of days. Literally. I gained something like 15 pounds back -- I fluctuated all through 2010 from 10 to 15 pounds above my goal weight. I'm about 6 pounds up now, so it's coming off s...l...o...w...l...y....

    It is frustrating to lose weight I already lost, but I try not to think about it! It's nice to be wearing some of the skinny clothes I bought in '09!
  • k8smom
    k8smom Posts: 3
    I've have done the exact same thing and its was 40lbs also funny huh. Its been a real struggle this time I just feel real tired of counting calories exercising and such. Well maybe I'm on the right track now just wanted to tell you I know what your going through have fun and keep strong.:flowerforyou:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yes. I was 150 and went down to 130, then I gained it back so I'm here again trying to lose it, once more.
  • rosita76
    I did something similar. I was once 235 pounds and dropped down to 160.....over 2 years I gained it all back.... Now I am working on the same weight I lost way back when. It can be frustrating BUT....if you did it once, then you can do it again. This time, You are smarter, just as dedicated to losing, but with a willingness never to go back. Once is enough, dont ya think? Lets get rid of this weight once and for all....
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I am struggling with the same five pounds over and over. I lost 40 and now I see-saw back between 185 and 190 lbs.

    It is annoying.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Me also. I went from 235 down to ~184 lbs ( 51 lbs), kept it off for a bit, then went back to poor eating and not exercising. I'm now at 223, and getting back on track to RE-lose the weight, and then some :)
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    I am guilty! Oh well. That is one of the wonderful things about MFP ... You did it once so you can do it again.

    This time thou I will not stop logging my calories!!!
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Wow, I thought I was reading my story there for a sec. At my worst I hit 300 pounds, at my best I got down to the low 220s and of course I stopped counting calories and working out and got back up to 276. I'm currently at 254 and again hoping to get to my low of the 220's actually hoping to beat that and crack the 100s!

    You and me, we can finally conquer this once and for all! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    oh yes I was 198 and went down to 147 (and looked great) then I starting eating more and not exercising and before I knew it I had gained it all back. I was so disappointed in myself. It is even harder starting all over again to lose the weight: however, I also know I CAN lose the weight so I am back at it. This time I want to keep it off.
  • Shar6819
    Shar6819 Posts: 34 Member
    I am too I lost weight for my wedding and August, I stop going to the gym, and eating healthy. Now I have gained it all back,
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member

    The pics in my ticker are before-during-after 2005-06. I lost 72 lbs in 9 months and kept it off for two years, then found 46 of it over the next year.

    My goal is to be back at "after" by my 50th birthday in June.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Back in 2004 I hit over 280.... I gave up drinking and a year later I was 209 and had a drink moderately. Enter 2011.....I was 284.5 and have given up drinking and we'll see where I end up. I did it through the PH miracle approach by Dr. Young. I am currently still eating meat, no red meat and any meat has to be local, organic etc. Let's see if I can get back to that 36 waist I had in 2005 or so.
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    Yup I lost 25 pounds but then I got stuck at that spot, then the holidays came... I gained 20 back... I still have 10 to lose to get back to what I had already got off.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Here!! I lost 75 lbs originally, then gained back 15 after getting married, then gained 40 when pregnant with my daughter. I was within 20 lbs of my highest weight, SCARY!! I'm still closer to that point than I'd like to be, for sure.
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    It nice hearing everyones stories and knowing that we are all back on track!! I agree with everyone that said we did it once we can do it again, for the final time.
  • purplespeckle
    I am upset with myself. From Oct 2009 untill May 2010 I lost 40 lbs. For some reason in May I stopped counting calories and working out and by the end of December I gained 25 of the 40 back. Since I got back on track Jan 3 I lost 11 lbs. I would be so much happier if that 11 was not part of the 25 I gained back. I still have 80 lbs to loose and would be closer to my goal weight if I did not get off track and gain weight back. Just wondering if anyone else had this issue? I am never going to stop watching what I eat even when I am at my goal weight. I would be at 48 lbs lost instead of 22. Anyone else having this issues?

    Yes! I was 160 and got to 120 in 2006 (I'm 5'3) Well I met a new friend and all we done was eat fast food...literally...breakfast lunch and supper I also stopped walking 30 minutes daily like I had been doing In a matter of months I got back up to 160 I honestly don't even remember going from 120-130-140...and so on & that's scary I will never let myself do that again But I then met my husband at 160 and got up to 170 and then 180 and my highest at 182 I figured that was way too close to 200 and on Jan 1 2011 I made some changes I've only lost 3.8 lbs but I exercise 6 days a week and I feel stronger and I also cut out junk food and am no longer having any sugar issues :) My goal is 120-130 :) Good luck with your goals!!!
  • tatiana_13
    And you know it! The damage wasn't so bad. I committed to weighing everyday, because once, I gained back every single pound (all 60 of them) because I ignored it. Weighing everyday helps, because it means everyday I have to say, yep, I'm getting bigger, and I'm going to eat that pizza anyway. Its easy to do that once a month, but really hard to do that every day. So I stopped myself.

    So, THIS time, I only had to lose 20 pounds I'd already lost. Some of which I've already lost. But never again. I may gain 10 pounds or so back, but never more than that!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    My story is similar to most of yours. I've probably lost the same weight at least 3-4 times. I haven't been able to get past plateaus or to maintenance. This time I plan to go slow and steady and persevere through the plateaus. I'm going to be 50 in a couple of months and I need to lose the weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle!:smile:
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    Yes!! Some times I'm in disbelief that I was starting from scratch again.