Motivation and Advice Please

Today is day 30 of my body transformation. I get up at 4 to do my P90X workout so I have time to get the kids and myself ready and get us out the door and to school on time. I'm also eating right and drinking about 6-9 glasses of water a day.

My family is really bad. I teach the 3rd grade and as a public school teacher I don't get paid that much. My husband teaches two days a week at a community college. He had another job but quit/was fired. He doesn't get paid until February 15th. SO for the past two months we've been living off my measly paycheck. We do have a rent house and I usually use that for groceries, laundry, and the kids cafeteria lunches. I went to the store today and spent $80 on our weekly groceries. How am I supposed to eat healthy when I cant afford it? I can usually find something to eat but I don't want to eat junk just for calories. I cant afford...hardly anything I want to be eating.


  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    the only thing I could suggest is to increase your exercise so you can eat more calories a day to off set the increased/bad food. and just stick with it, things are bound to get better, you just have to wait out the storm....good luck and dont break faith in loosing weight
  • ThePhatMan
    Sunday paper and clip coupons
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    That is a hard question to answer.
    Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive.
    I don't know about where you live, but I shop at about 6 different stores each week.
    I shop sales. Look for bargains and buy when I feel it is a good price.
    My hubby brought home a chest freezer for my "bargains". It hopefully will be cheaper to feed my family on good deals that I can freeze and buy more at one time. We will see.
  • Sohnsearae
    That sucks, sorry to hear you and your family is struggling. But do the best you can and stick with it. Sometimes it's in our greatest trials that we find the true strenght to succeed. Best wishes to you!
  • Phoenyxlove
    Phoenyxlove Posts: 150 Member
    To save money I buy in bulk. I go to costco and buy all my meats in bulk and freeze everything individually in the freezer. Usually about $100 worth of meats last me over month. Then I just go to the fruit and veggie market to buy that stuff about once a week. And other then that I go through our local flyers each week and if I see a really good sale on something I might pick it up. I found that when I was doing regular grocery shopping every week I was spending so much more money and I would always come home with things I didn't need. Hope this helps!

    Also, I think it's ridiculous that teachers do not get paid more than they do... it just doesn't make sense.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time right now. If I had to, I think I could live on eggs and oatmeal, and I buy both in bulk at Costco. I get 5 dozen eggs at a time and the big container of Quaker Oats old-fashioned oatmeal. I buy my 1% organic milk there too, three half gallons at a time. Even though I toss most of the yolks down the drain, it's a pretty economical way to get my protein servings in. Good luck, and I hope things get easier soon.
  • ImBabyBunny
    My heart goes out to you and your family. Stuff like this makes me cry. Cut back wherever u can! If it's cheaper, stat making the kids lunches at home they can take them too school. I like to keep big long curtains on our windows during winter, it seriously keeps the heat in and the cold out. Don't use electricity unless u have too. Conserve gasoline well, don't go any wear unless u need too. Don't but anything extra ( I hate this but you need every penny) Don't buy hair dye, cosmetics, lattes/morning coffees/ teas. Any little thing extra just leave it out. There are a lot of recipes online you can make your own laundry detergent and many other things. We are here for you. Hang in there girl!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Thanks everyone!