Hello everyone, new here with a 100+ pds to loose..



  • Hi,
    I am new and can tell you know this is the best place. You can do it! I' m walking slow. Not eating less just making better decisions. For the first time this weekend I was able to sit in booth comfotable!!! YES YES...Does n'tsound like alot but sure lifted my spirit!
  • Welcome! This place is amazing. I too have 100 lbs to lose and greatly dislike working out. What I have found that helps keep me going and getting me to exercise when I don't want to is to find a workout or an exercise video that you enjoy doing and use that one. One of my problems is that I get bored with walking the treadmill or doing other things like that, but I do love Billy Blanks and his Tae Bo videos so I have a few of those on hand and Tae Bo for exercise. I also love Billy Blanks Jr. dance workout videos, they don't seem like workouts since the workout is dancing.

    Hope this helps :) and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like
  • welcome to MFP and feel free to add me for motivation and support
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I need to lose over 100lbs as well, but I get so overwhelmed when I think about that much weight. I'm just starting an exercise program and healthier eating and for me, I just keep reminding myself to go slow and just stick with it. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want.
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