Eating at work..?

pcbryce Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
hi everyone,

how does everyone deal with eating at work?? I am often alone and get quite bored and so i find it easy just to pop to the supermarket (horribly located in the mall I work in!) and will grab some chocolate or a bun and some meat and spend the afternoon eating. I just cant seem to help it!!

How does everyone stay away from boredom eating??



  • Echoshill
    Echoshill Posts: 42 Member
    Believe it or not, I drink water. Yeah, you will have to go to the bathroom a lot more but it won't hurt you.

    Also, I eat about 6-7 meals a day. So about every 2 hours my body knows it has food coming. Just small meals mind you, but it is something. This is more to keep my blood sugar level even, but it also helps with the hunger. Eat on a schedule.
  • nholloman
    nholloman Posts: 16 Member
    I go for short walks around 11am and helps to get away from my desk. Also I keep some healthy snacks at my desk.... almonds (14=85 cal), popcorn, and some 100 calorie chocolate something in case I need a sweet treat.

    Good luck!!!
  • pre cook your meals and bring it in a cooler
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I'm out of work right now, but what I used to try to do was pack something that I could snack on slowly. For example, cut up vegetables and hummus. Filling and crunchy without being a bad thing to snack on.
  • I find that drinking water and keeping insanely busy keeps me from boredom eating
  • Another thing I learned from the smoking commercials (no I do NOT smoke lol) but ...when you start feeling bored like you want to grab something to munch on...chew a piece of sugar free tasty gum :)
    I started doing that, and between the water, like someone else mentioned, and gum chewing, it curbs my boredom eating craving and I can hold out until my planned meal or snack time :)
    Just a thought!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    1- I drink 3-5 bottles of water a there's that and the additional trips to the ladies room to take time up, lol.
    2- Pack lunch/snacks for the day- I always have my lunch planned, and throw a few healthy options in there, even if i DONT eat them, the times i WANT something its there ( Ive been doing veggies & hummus, yogurt, a hard boiled egg, or even cookies, just plan for them ( famous amos cookies are my fave, and i dont want to give them up, so i pack 2-4 and call it good for my snack)

    It's all about planning! Believe it or not, planning my breakfast/work snacks/lunch the night before, has become a routine!!! :)

    Good Luck
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Acknowledge that you have to eat while you're at work, and plan to eat good nutritious food while you're there. It sounds super convenient that there's a supermarket close by. You can go pick up food easily, why does it have to be chocolate or a bun? Why not a turkey sandwich on whole wheat? If you have a fridge at work, you can even stock up on some staples. Most of us spend more than half our days at work, so therefore we should be eating more than half our meals there. If I didn't eat 3 times a day while at work, I'd be starving and yes probably tempted to eat chocolate and vending machine food.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Believe it or not, I drink water. Yeah, you will have to go to the bathroom a lot more but it won't hurt you.

    Also, I eat about 6-7 meals a day. So about every 2 hours my body knows it has food coming. Just small meals mind you, but it is something. This is more to keep my blood sugar level even, but it also helps with the hunger. Eat on a schedule.

    My exact same mantra---it really does help balance that blood sugar and keep me from feeling hungry or having a craving.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Another thing I learned from the smoking commercials (no I do NOT smoke lol) but ...when you start feeling bored like you want to grab something to munch on...chew a piece of sugar free tasty gum :)
    I started doing that, and between the water, like someone else mentioned, and gum chewing, it curbs my boredom eating craving and I can hold out until my planned meal or snack time :)
    Just a thought!

    I second the gum chewing! It really helps me when I want something to do.

    Also - I make sure I have several snacks planned, like others have said.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    i walk on my breaks, do diet mt dew on a occassion, take lite small yogurts, fruit, or gluten, sugar free snacks. it's tough sometimes, but we are all in this together. I don't even go in the break room anymore.
  • laurabeth326
    laurabeth326 Posts: 124 Member
    I work in a restaurant so there is food around all day and sometimes it can get slow. So what I've started doing is portioning out healthy foods from home and when the french fries start calling my name I'll dip into my bag and grab one of my healthy options. And I try to drink water always- if I start to feel hungry I'll grab a water and see if that satisfies for the time being.
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    Good topic! I struggle with this as well, because somedays I'm just sitting at my desk for 8 hours and it's too easy to mindlessly munch. I drink extra water, chew sugar-free gum, or try to choose a healthful snack. I used to smoke, and I still feel the need to move my hand to my mouth sometimes (former smokers will understand lol) so grapes, baby carrots, raisins, cucumber slices, popcorn, etc is great for me b/c it keeps my hand busy and is better than eating candy.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    1) Arrive at work and fill 32 oz water-bottle.
    2) Drink 16 ounces.
    3) Have mid-morning snack (banana, trail mix, orange, granola bar, oatmeal, etc)
    4) Drink 16 ounces.
    5) Have lunch and refill 31 oz water-bottle.
    6) Drink 16 ounces.
    7) Have mid-afternoon snack (different from above)
    8) Drink 16 ounces.
    9) Go home.

    That's pretty much my workday. I have a goodly supply of snacks stashed at my desk, so I just choose what I want. The trail mix I have portioned out into serving sizes in zip-lock bags, so I don't overeat. I never feel hungry.
  • I like this plan, I think I will try it out!:smile:
  • Buy fruit or veggies before you get hungry and keep it in the fridge at work or by your desk. This way, you won't have to go out when you're hungry and crave all the sugary snacks.
  • Buy fruit or veggies before you get hungry and keep it in the fridge at work or by your desk. This way, you won't have to go out when you're hungry and crave all the sugary snacks.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    So I dont exactly work... but i do have three toddlers, so time to sit down and eat is not exactly easily come by... so what i do is load my purse with cut up fruit, hard boiled eggs, cheese strings and yoplait tubes! that way i always have food near by so when the mcdonalds in walmart starts calling during my grocery shopping I don't have to give in! And the fruit is especially helpful if you like lots of candy or chocolate, the sweetness switch actually works really well.
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